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way of an introduction. I’ll admit that I had a
bit of trouble getting “into” this book.
(Actually an understatement.) In fact, I started
another book but have always finished the books
I start. So, I went back to Fortune’s Rocks and
I’m really glad I did. You’ll need to be patient
with what the author calls “nineteenth century
language”. I was thankful I read on a Kindle
with a dictionary available with just a touch.
Some examples would be: accretion, dismasted
barque, unprepossessing, pinched torpor, etc.
The story begins
with Olympia a beautiful, fifteen year-old girl
arriving at the beach on Fortune’s Rocks on the
New England coast with her family for the summer
at the turn of the 20th century. Olympia is a
privileged and very well-educated young girl on
the brink of becoming a young woman.
Everything changes
for Olympia when she meets John Haskell a friend
of her father. Though Haskell (as she thinks
of him) is a 41 year-old, married man with
children, they cannot resist the passion they
feel. So, they start an illicit affair which they
cannot resist in spite of all moral codes both
then and now..
As you can
imagine, this liaison comes to a catastrophic end
with many people deeply hurt and even damaged. The
author beautifully tells how Olympia also suffers
and is an outcast for many years to come. The
journey of her life from this point is far from
the pampered existence she was used to, which she
accepts as her penance.
I hope you’ll
enjoy this passionate, beautifully written
historical novel as I did. It not only reveals a
disastrous love story but, the huge class
differences during this era. Young immigrant
children working in textile mills beginning at 10
years of age for example with little to no health
care for anyone.
I hope you’ll
enjoy this story of love, loss, and ultimately
Happy reading!
novel is the author's debut novel which usually
bodes well, especially when it becomes a New York
Times best seller within weeks. So, you know how
most murder mysteries give you an inkling of "who
dunnit". Not this skillfully written novel. It's
very rare and an excellent read!
The story begins
with thirty-three year old Alicia Berenson
shooting her husband five times in the face. (a
slow start) She and Gabriel were both artists.
She a painter and Gabriel a fashion photographer.
This was a seemingly devoted couple so from the
start - the why of it was the question. You see,
after the killing Alicia cut her own wrists, but
survived and never spoke again.
From this point,
Theo Faber a criminal psychotherapist narrates the
story. He had waited a long time for the chance to
try to help Alicia and make her speak and tell her
story. He went above and beyond the boundaries
that a therapist normally goes. Often facing the
wrath of his co-workers and supervisors. It had
been six years since the killing, so her family
and Gabriels were very reluctant to dredge up that
painful time.
interesting facet of the story is that Theo says,
"We are drawn to this profession because we are
damaged - we study psychology to heal ourselves."
His contention is that our personalities are
formed in early childhood. In his case, his
abusive father caused terrible anxiety because he
never felt safe.
As always there is
so much more to the story. For example, Theo's
devotion to his wife Kathy who was the love of his
life. He says, "Kathy brought me into a magical
world of warmth and light." He had never been
truly loved before. Until she betrayed him...
Well, as usual
I'll let you discover the rest of this fascinating
mystery. If you skip to the end - you'll regret
Happy reading!

This highly acclaimed novel is
one of my favorite books in a very long time. It
was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, New York
Times best seller, one of the best books of the
year by NPR, and many more.
Have you ever read a book where
a house (really an amazing mansion) is the central
focus of the story? The Dutch House is the dream
of Cyril Conroy. The unfortunate thing is that
his wife does not share his dream so she and his
two children Danny and Maeve experience decades of
trying to overcome the unhappiness and turmoil
that follow their rags to riches story.
The story begins with fifteen
year-old Maeve and eight year-old Danny being
summoned to meet a friend of their fathers. The
friend, Andrea, we're told was the first woman he
had brought home since their mother left. When
Maeve asked, "How do you do? Andrea replied she
was very well. Of course she was. It had been her
goal for years to get inside the house."
The book
continues by describing the remarkable bond of
the two siblings. It was described by one
reviewer as "a dark fairy tale about two smart
people who cannot overcome their past." The author
has a wonderful way of telling this sad story with
just the right amount of humor.
As Danny
grows older the first Saturday of every month was
a special day. He gets to ride along with his
father to collect the rent from his tenants. It's
a learning experience as his father teaches him
many of the life and business lessons that made
him so successful. After dinner that day, Maeve
wanted a detailed account of everything they did.
Because, although she was seven years older and
excellent in Math she was never invited to ride
As this
book spans five decades in the life of this family
I can't begin to tell you all the things that
transpire. In a nutshell though, the one most
traumatic event is the untimely death of their
father. Since they had been deserted by their
mother and their father had married Andrea a
couple of years before, they were at the mercy of
their truly wicked stepmother!
I hope
you'll enjoy this beautifully written story of a
family, but mostly about a brother and sister who
in spite of their past love and support each other
you imagine if your dreams could give you a
glimpse of what might have been? Or lead you
towards things you dreamed about without even
realizing it?
This is the main
theme of this book. It's about the forever love
of Kate and Patrick which even tragedy can't
The story begins
with Kate and Patrick, newly weds, starting their
day making plans for that evening. But, in only
30 minutes Kate's world comes crashing down.
Needless to say, this tragedy changes the course
of her life.
The book picks up
12 years later when Kate is rushing to meet her
friend for dinner. Dan surprises her with a
restaurant full of their friends and family and a
proposal! She thought she would never find love
again but Dan says, "I'm going to make you the
happiest woman in the world."
It's soon after
that Kate begins having difficulty sleeping. She
begins having very vivid dreams of Patrick and
another life that could have been. They are so
real that when she awakens she's confused and
wondering if Patrick is trying to tell her
something... Their mantra "I knew before I met you
that I was meant to be yours" plays over and over
in her mind.
The author tells
us "The Life Intended is the story of Kate
Waithman finding her way back to the life she was
supposed to have all along." The book delves into
details about foster care, cochlear implants,
deafness and music therapy. All things I found
interesting to learn about. Although fiction, so
many novels help to educate us in a very
entertaining, enjoyable way.
I hope you enjoy
this lovely story. Happy reading!

Don't you love to read an
historical novel and learn a little known fact
of our history? This novel is such a book. The
book covers two subjects I had never heard of.
First, that there was a Pack Horse Library Project that
was established in 1935, as part of President
Roosevelt's Works Progress Administration. The
project was designed to bring books and reading
material into Appalachia, the poorest and most
isolated areas of eastern Kentucky. The area
had few schools, no libraries and mostly
inaccessible roads. These fearless Kentucky
librarians were known as "book women" because
there were only a small number of men in their
The second
fascinating subject concerns a family from France
who immigrated to Kentucky's remote wilderness
named Fugate. This family carried a very rare gene
that causes skin to be blue. It was in
Troublesome Creek where it was first discovered.
The disease that causes this is called
This story
is based on these two interesting subjects and the
author hoped "to pay tribute to the fearsome Pack
Horse librarians - and to write a human story set
in a unique landscape."
The story
begins with nineteen-year-old Cussy Mary Carter
in a heated discussion with her Pa. You see,
he's preparing a courting candle for her latest
suitor. He feels this will not only have her
safely married, but forced to quit her job as a
pack horse librarian. Unfortunately, Cussy's
prospects for marriage were very limited because
she was the "last female of blue mountainfolk".
Blues had been ridiculed and discriminated
against for decades.
The story
continues telling of Cussy's love of her books
and serving her patrons who look forward to her
visits and the books and reading materials she
delivers. She did so much more than deliver
books. Her visits gave these terribly
impoverished people bits of the outside world
they would never have seen otherwise. You'll
get to meet them and learn their stories.
this is the kind of book that gives you a
glimpse into the past and how other generations
survived with next to nothing to sustain them.
Children dying of starvation, coal miners
working in life threatening conditions and
rampant bigotry toward anyone who didn't fit the
On that cheerful note - happy reading!
excited to share this charming novel with you as
it's quite unusual. (At least to me.) First,
it's written by a Minneapolis based author who
has been a chef, caterer and culinary
instructor. In addition, her resume includes
having graduated from La Varenne Ecole de
Cuisine in Paris. Secondly, she wrote her first
novel, "Alexandra the Grate" at the age of 82
years young! Dancing on a Silver Moon is the
sequel to that novel.
The story begins
with Alex deciding to downsize by selling the
beautiful home where she raised her beloved son
David and was the dutiful wife to her former
husband in a forever: marriage which had ended
After her very
popular cooking show ends, Alex still needs to
support herself and find security and a retirement
plan for the future. As another door opens she is
offered exactly what she needs. A position as a
culinary arts teacher at a local community
college. She would be doing what she loved best
mentoring young people!
Alex has all
levels of students, but her outstanding protégé is
a boy called Garrett. He is extremely talented and
becomes a valuable asset to her program and she
becomes a lifelong inspiration and friend to him.
Just when life
falls into a very comfortable routine - she is
swept off her feet by a very charming fellow,
Charlie Coleman. Once again Alex is faced with a
life changing decision. Running off to New
Orleans with a "lunatic musician" or staying put
in her safe, secure life.
I think you'll
thoroughly enjoy the rest of this charming story.
Alex again finds herself making tough decisions
and reinventing herself in order to be the
tenacious, courageous woman she's become.
Happy reading!
you may have noticed Ms. Hannah is one of my
favorite authors. Mainly because her writing is
so beautifully descriptive and she often writes
about the struggles of women trying to help
others which in turn helps them to heal. This
novel is no exception.
The theme of this
book is very special and unique. It centers
around two sisters who are very different, but
have a common goal. Trying to help a tiny
six-year-old girl who appears one afternoon
"hidden high in the autumn-colored leaves of the
maple tree." The little child will not speak and
holds a snarling wolf pup in her arms.
The story begins
with one of the sisters, Julia Cates, a
psychiatrist who lives in Los Angeles going to
court to respond to a charge that she was
partially responsible for the suicide of one her
patients who killed three of her friends and then
herself. She is exonerated that morning, but
unfortunately her reputation and practice are
Meanwhile, her
sister Ellie Barton, who is the Police Chief in
their hometown of Rain Valley in the Pacific
Northwest is dealing with the little girl in the
Maple tree who won't come down! Ellie had read all
kinds of manuals about police procedures and
dealing with murder and mayhem, but there was
nothing to prepare her for a silent child and a
snarling wolf pup. She needs help and that would
be her sister Julia.
Julia and Ellie
then take on the extremely difficult task of
finding this abused and battered child's family.
Alice (the name they give her) is malnourished,
dehydrated, and covered with evidence of severe
physical abuse including ligature marks on one
ankle indicating she'd been tied for a long period
of time.
With infinite
patience and love, Julia and Ellie work tirelessly
to save this beautiful child and discover her
past. It is a story you will long remember as one
of tender healing and recovery as Julia makes
remarkable progress with one word at a time -
I hope you enjoy
this beautiful story of two sisters saving Alice
and themselves as well.
Happy reading!
think it's always fun to try a new author you
haven't read before. In this case, I was really
happy I did. The interesting thing is that the
main character, Shelby Lake who is a female Deputy Sheriff, tells the story in the first person. A
written by a male author. I don't think that's
very common...
Another enjoyable
thing is the multiple story lines in this book. It
is not only a story about a 10-year-old boy who
goes missing and his devastated family, but also
Shelby's story which includes her Dad the town's
sheriff who is desperately trying to hang on with
early onset Alzheimer’s.
The story begins
with Shelby telling how her Dad rescued her as a
newborn who was left on his doorstep on a freezing
night. His house used to be a church complete
with a white steeple and stained glass windows.
So, the birth mother assumed she would be found.
Shelby was always thankful that a wonderful,
caring 30 year old Tom Ginn found her in time. He
was to become her Dad and best friend.
It's a beautiful
summer’s day when young Jeremiah disappears with
the only clue being his bicycle tipped over on the
shoulder of the road. Jeremiah's older brother
tells everyone that the reason they didn't stay
together that morning was because Jeremiah wanted
to go home and he wasn't ready. Needless to say,
this did not make their parents happy that he let
his younger brother go alone. It's at this point
in the story that the lies begin...
As the
investigation begins no one wants to admit the
awful truth. The child is not just lost in the
woods, but really missing. "Hard to believe
someone took him. Not around here." The next day
there was nothing to do but call in the FBI to
help with the search. Of course, along with the
FBI comes the inevitable media circus. In spite
of all the resources of the FBI no suspect was
ever arrested. Summer turns to fall and fall
turns to winter but, "In every investigation where
there are simply no more clues and no matter hard
you try, you can't create them."
I think I'll leave
you to discover the interesting characters and
twists in this story that I doubt you'll see
coming. It's Shelby who discovers the clue that
no one else had to unlock the final secret. Her
Dad tells her, "Do you know what they say about
the deep, deep snow?" "It hides every secret. It
covers every sin."
Happy reading!

Masked Prey is
the 30th Prey novel by this Pulitzer Prize winning
author. I have read all 30 primarily because for
many years they took place in Mn. where Mr.
Sanford called home. In recent times, Lucas
Davenport, his main character has become a U.S.
Marshall which takes him to Washington, D.C.
Davenport is known for his toughness and
unorthodox methods which get results, but are
often very dangerous. He also adds comic relief at
times in a very irreverent way.
The story
begins with 17 year old Audrey Coil and a
classmate working on a video for her blog when
they come across another blog titled 1919. It
contains candid photos of children of influential
Washington politicians outside their schools
including Audrey. Along with the photos are
vicious political rants from various extremist and
radical groups. It's this discovery that causes
Lucas Davenport to be summoned to Washington D.C.
to investigate this troubling blog.
From this point
Lucas and his team investigate a number of Nazi
and other right-wing groups hoping to avoid any
violence. Needless to say they encounter some
very dangerous and life threatening
"interviews". Then the situation gets worse when
"a number of people in these alt-rights groups
have gotten letters suggesting that the meaning of
the 1919 group was to encourage somebody to shoot
a kid.."
In closing, while
this was definitely a good plot it contained way
more information about guns and fringe groups than
I needed to know. If this is of interest to you -
you'll enjoy this
book more than I did. I think I mentioned in
another review that my definition of a really good
read is one that you can't wait to get back to. I
could wait...
Happy reading!!
way of introduction, this book is what I would
call a labor of love for the author. He spent
almost three years writing the first manuscript
and decided it did not meet his expectations.
This Tender Land was to be a companion novel to
Ordinary Grace which was published in 2013, and
widely acclaimed by readers and critics. In
fact, it won the Edgar Award for the Best Novel
that year. I too loved Ordinary Grace. A
beautifully written story. (You can find a
review of that book in the archives.)
Mr. Kreuger then
made another attempt and he writes "I saw almost
immediately the story I should have been
writing." He then spent another three years and
writes, "I love this book every bit as I loved
Ordinary Grace."
The story begins
with an aged Odie O'Banion spinning tales to his
great-grandchildren. He tells them to "Open
yourself to every possibility, for there is
nothing your heart can imagine that is not so."
It's a tale of "killing and kidnapping of courage
and cowardice, love and betrayal and of course,
there will be hope."
Odie and Albert (Odie's
older brother) find themselves in the "quiet room"
at the Lincoln Indian Training School in the
summer of 1932. A place that had been used for
solitary confinement when the facility had been a
military outpost. Odie is only eight and Albert is
twelve and they were being punished for daring to
question Mrs. Brickman about the meaning of story
she'd just read the children.
The brothers'
father was dead less than a week at this point and
their mother had passed away two years earlier.
They had no family in Minnesota so they were sent
to live at the Indian Training school. They were
the only white boys in the school and learned
quickly that Mrs. Brickman, the school's
administrator, richly deserved her nickname the
"Black Witch". The children were beaten, half
starved and required to work back breaking work on
local farms to help fund the Brickman's lifestyle.
Four years pass
and the old, "frightened Odie O'Banion like my
mother and father, long dead" finds circumstances
even more unbearable and the two brothers, their
Native American friend Mose and a little orphan
friend Emmy escape from the school in hopes of
finding a forever home.
They start out in
a canoe on the Gilead River in Minnesota, to the
mighty Mississippi with their dream of reaching
St. Louis where they have an Aunt. The orphans
trip is one filled with a series of terrifying and
sometimes heart-warming experiences.
From a drunken
farmer who imprisons them to work on his farm, to
bootleggers and then to Sister Eve and her healing
crusade. They also meet some wonderful people who
live in "Hooverville" a shanty village of families
with almost nothing, but good hearts who share
what little food they have.
I'll leave you to
enjoy this beautifully written novel that you will
long remember for it's beautiful prose and message
of hope, the vagabonds never gave up on. I hope
you enjoy this wonderful epic by an outstanding
Minnesota author who puts his heart and soul into
this story.
Happy reading!
P.S. While this is
a work of fiction, places like the Indian Training
School actually existed. In Pipestone there was
the Pipestone Indian Training School where Native
American children were taken from their families
to "re-educate" them.
is a story based on true events which transpired
in Huntington, West Virginia which happens to be
the author's hometown in a 24-hour period of
terrible tragedy. You see, the overdoses began
just after midnight when a young woman locked
herself in the bathroom of a gas station and is
found a short time later dead from tainted
This death is just
the first that day. What follows is twenty-eight
overdoses of which four deaths occur. Bell Elkins
is the main character in this novel. She is the
county prosecutor in the small town of Ackers Gap,
West Virginia. Actually, you should know that
this is the sixth in a series of "Bell Elkins"
books. It can be a stand alone story, but there is
background information that is helpful in
understanding her history.
Bell has done her
best in the past eight years to help her hometown
but, she considered it a "rescue mission" since
the coal mines shut down and drug addiction was
rampant. Because "West Virginia still had the
highest rate of drug overdose deaths in the
So, as you can
imagine, the book follows the investigation of
these overdoses and the Sheriff, Deputies, and
Paramedics who are doing what they can to stop the
dying. There are back stories of course, like the
relationship that Bell has with her sister Shirley
who spent most of her life in prison for killing
their abusive Father.
I'll be honest,
this book sounds like a "page turner" which is why
I started it. But, to me it was really slow and
had way too many characters. Unless you want to
keep a log of who is who, I had to go back and
figure it out. I have read other books by Ms.
Keller which I enjoyed. So, if you are a fan of
hers maybe you'll enjoy this one too.
P.S. I read one
customer review on Amazon that said she thought it
was excellent...
Happy reading!
Sisters is another engaging and beautifully
written novel about a family with an assortment
of troubles and few joys along the way. Ms.
Hannah if you'll remember also wrote two other
books worth reading. "The Nightingale" and "The
Great Alone" which are vividly descriptive and
This is the story
of two sisters who couldn't be more different.
Meghann Dontess, the older sister is an
high-powered divorce attorney in Seattle with a
failed marriage and a distain for intimacy in it's
wake. While her younger sister, Claire lives a
very different life as a single Mother in a small
town in the Pacific Northwest helping her Dad run
a low budget resort.
The painful memory
that haunts the two sisters goes back to when they
were 16 and 9 and Meghann had to make the painful
choice to leave her sister with Claire's
biological father, who they had never met, when
they were abandoned by their Mother. "Now all
these years later, their lives were connected by
the thinnest of strands." It turned them into
"polite strangers who shared a blood type and an
ugly childhood."
There is also
another mysterious and sad side-story about a man,
Joe Wyatt, who is on the run from his former
life. You wonder what he has to do with this
story until the author brings him home to the same
small town in the Pacific Northwest.
As the story
progresses Claire and her long-time friends decide
on a night on the town. She's on the dance floor
with her friends when Bobby Austin takes the
stage. He says, "This song is for The One. The one
I've been lookin'for all my life." Claire had
never been in love until that minute! She was
thirty-five years old and she knew he was The One.
It's at this point
that Meg has a life threatening experience which
changes the course of her life. During the same
period of time, Claire calls to tell her she's
marrying Bobby Jack Austin after knowing him for
all of ten days. Meg says "I need to meet him
now. I'll be there tomorrow night."
The rest of the
story unfolds as Meg volunteers to plan the
wedding and works to make it the most special day
of Claire's life in spite of her serious
reservations about her choice of husbands. While
staying with her sister Meg meets the mysterious
stranger, Joe, and the two stories intersect. They
have absolutely nothing in common except their
loneliness and longing to connect with another
human being.
There's so much
more to the story, but I always think it's better
to discover most of the tale on your own. As in
real life, there are highs like an audition for
Bobby in Nashville to perhaps realize his dream.
Then lows like Meghann returning to Seattle and
her lonely, melancholy thoughts of Joe. Finally,
when Claire and Bobby are at there happiest, Meg
gets a call from Claire who has just returned from
Nashville. Claire is in her car and screams, "I
can't remember how to get home."
As always, I hope
you enjoy the story of two sisters who rediscover
their love and bond that they shared as children.
Ms. Hannah has such a gift of writing about
families and their relationships in a very tender,
moving way.
Happy reading!
is an historical novel about a time during World
War II in which there were POW internment camps
around our country for German soldiers. In fact,
we had camps right here in MN. The prisoners
were assigned jobs working in the fields to help
with the shortage of manpower due to the war. It
was a pretty well kept secret since
the government didn't want to scare our citizens
with the enemy right in our own back yards.
But, it's also
the story of a young journalist, Emily Emerson,
who is in a very bad place. She's just been laid
off from her job, she's depressed just thinking
about her dysfunctional family and most of all she
can't shake her guilt over giving her baby
daughter up for adoption 18 years ago.
The story begins
with Emily receiving a mysterious package from
Munich, Germany. The package contains a painting
of a beautiful young woman standing at the edge of
a sugarcane field in a red dress. The only
message that accompanied the painting was a
cryptic note: Your grandfather never stopped
loving her. Margaret was the love of his life.
Emily is totally shocked because "the man had
vanished before my father was even born." Her
grandmother would never speak of him.
It's at this point
that you go back in time to 1944, when you learn
about the POW camp in south FL near Lake
Okeechobee and the prisoners who work there. It's
where Peter first sees Margaret. A beautiful
young woman with long, brown hair in a red cotton
The novel then
weaves the past with the present as Emily trys to
discover who her grandmother really was and who
was her grandfather? As a journalist, she uses
every resource she can think of and at times it
seems hopeless. As the Author notes, "when one is
living with a broken heart, it's too hard to give
voice to the stories that hurt the most."
This is a story of
forever love, abandonment both real and imagined,
long kept secrets and finally learning to forgive
others as well as yourself.
Happy reading!
not read Ms. Hilderbrand before, but I learned
that she is referred to as the "The Queen of
Beach Reads" which makes sense since she has
lived most of her life on Nantucket writing and
raising her three children. This is the story of
a family living through the tumultuous Summer of
'69. As she writes, "Nixon was a new president,
the war in Vietnam was raging as well as the
protests against the war, civil rights and
women's lib were hot topics."
The story begins
with one of the saddest days of Kate's life. Her
19 year old son, Tiger, receives his letter from
the Selective Service calling him to duty in
Vietnam. Ironically, he is to report on Kate's
birthday - April 21. She dearly loves all of her
four children but "she will say only that she
loves him differently."
The book continues
from the viewpoint of Kate and her family. Her
Mother, Exalta is the matriarch of the family and
owns their summer place on Nantucket. Blair the
eldest child is twenty-four and marries that
summer and quickly becomes pregnant with twins.
Kirby is the "free spirit" of the family still
attending college and as many protests as possible
against the war. Jessie at 13 is the youngest and
the closest with her beloved big brother, Tiger.
And we shouldn't forget Kate's husband David who
works in Boston so is just an occasional visitor
on the island.
One of the sad,
but important parts of the book are about Kate's
first husband - Wilder. He was a combat veteran
in Korea who came back from war a changed man. He
was very depressed and angry. So, when he died
from a gun shot wound while cleaning his Beretta,
the insurance company claimed his death was a
suicide. Kate was left with three young children.
She hired an attorney to represent her and
convince the court the death was accidental. She
hired David Levin (her second husband) to handle
the case and six months later they started dating.
Throughout the
rest of the book each chapter is entitled a
different current song. Born to be Wild - a
chapter about Kirby. The wild child. Fly me to
the Moon - a chapter about Blair who is married to
a controlling astrophysics professor at MIT who is
working with NASA on the first moon landing. Time
of the Season - a chapter about Jessie who just
turned thirteen and is a typically curious
teenager. And finally, Those Were the Days about
Kate. Unfortunately for everyone, Kate's answer
to the worry about Tiger is alcohol. She spends a
great deal of time in a haze not really noticing
her other children.
I'll let you
discover for yourself the rest of this families
dynamics, secrets, and inspiration too, as Tiger
serves his country with courage and valor. In my
opinion, this is an fictional account of a Summer
in which our country went through a number of
historical benchmarks. Not just a fluffy "beach
Happy reading!
read Ordinary Grace a few years ago and thought
it was a beautifully written book. This book was
a stand alone book unlike Mr. Kreuger's well
known Cork O'Connor series which are excellent
too. Last year I had the chance to meet him at a
book signing and he mentioned he was working on
a new novel. A "companion" story to Ordinary
Grace. Since I couldn't remember the whole story
and wanted to read this new book - This Tender
Land, I did something I don't think I've ever
done before. I read Ordinary Grace again!
And now I have an
even greater appreciation of Mr. Kreuger's gift.
His descriptions of places and his character's
emotions as they deal with multiple tragedies
during the Summer of 1961, in the fictional town
of New Bremen, Mn. are truly amazing.
The story begins
with this first sentence, "All the dying that
summer began with the death of a child, a boy with
golden hair and thick glasses, killed on the
railroad tracks." This is the first of three
deaths 13 year old Frank Drum has to deal with
this Summer and the story is told from his
perspective looking back four decades.
Frank is somewhat
of a rebel who really has his doubts about God
which makes having a Methodist minister for a Dad
a little tricky. His Mom on the other hand is an
artistic musician who doesn't really enjoy being
married to a minister - he was "supposed" to be a
rich lawyer! Frank adores his older sister Ariel
who is 18 and planning to attend Juilliard. His
younger brother Jake is Frank's best friend who is
unfortunately afflicted with a stutter which
worsened when he was nervous or upset.
The beautiful
Summer days bring more tragedy to the small
usually quiet town and then sadly to Frank's
family and the way the author describes these
events with compassion and grace is exceptional.
This is so much more that a mystery, it describes
how a family and a small town can go from
innocence to learning to deal and grieve while
things seem to be falling apart all around them.
The Edgar Award
winning best novel of the year in 2014, was so
richly deserved.
I'm sure you will
love this book as I did.
Happy reading!
have read two other books in recent times, but
when I read this book I couldn't wait to get it
out to you. It's author has published other essays
and books on herbs and cooking, but I believe this
is her first novel. It was also interesting to me
because she is a Minnesotan who wrote a
fictionalized version about two very strong,
courageous women with a dream. Can you imagine two
21 year old women leaving their family and
comforts of home in Minnesota to go to
northwestern North Dakota in 1900?
story begins with Tillie Melbakken and Bertha
Harstad corresponding with a fellow Minnesotan who
had already staked a claim in North Dakota in a
Norwegian community. He encouraged them to
come to the community if they were sure they had
the "strength and stamina" to take on the
challenge. As Tillie and Bertha board the train to
begin their adventure they are both excited, but
Bertha admits, ""it's natural to be a bit afraid"
as they travel west. Fortunately, Hans and Henry
were there as promised to help them get settled.
They assured the "girls" as they were referred to,
that in just a few days they would put up
temporary huts for them for shelter until their
shacks were built. The men dumped hay into the
tiny hut for them to sleep upon. So, for the
remainder of the book they refer to going to bed
as "hitting the hay".
the book continues you meet a wealth of characters
who are members of the Norwegian community and
become Tillie and Bertha's extended family. The
people of the community seem so real that you feel
connections with their friends and feel their joy
or pain as if you knew them also. From this
point on you'll continue the journey through good
times and tragedies which the girls encounter as
time goes by. Their hard work and strong faith
carries them through as they not only work the
land, but start a school in their tar paper shacks
for the children of the community. Who would guess
there was even time for a little romance? One
other interesting note from the Author is that
Tillie Hagenstad Stoen was the Mother of Ms.
Neely's adopted Father.
think I'll leave you here by saying that I've read
many books and rarely have I read one where the
characters are so real and the descriptions are so
beautifully written that you can picture the
people and their surroundings in a very special
Thanks Sue for sharing this very special book with
think I'll start with an interesting bit of
information from the author. In the Author's
Note he reveals that many years ago he heard a
story about two prominent business men in
Mississippi in the 1930's. "One killed the
other for no discernible reason" and the killer
would never reveal the reason for the murder.
"And so, I stole this story" states the author.
If you
enjoy a mystery in which you don't know the why or
who of the story to the very end. This is the book
for you. And, if you are interested in books
about World War II and in particular the war in
the Philippines including the Bataan Death March.
This is the book for you.
The story
begins in 1946, when Pete Banning wakes with the
reality that "it was time for the killing." Pete
you'll learn is a decorated World War II hero with
severe leg wounds to prove it. He believes to
avoid the killing would be an act of cowardice...
So when Pete walked into the Methodist church, he
was a soldier on a mission. Who commits a shocking
follows in Part I is the aftermath of his deed and
his refusal to offer any kind of an explanation or
justification for his act. He simply states - "I
have nothing to say." Sadly, this is what he also
tells his beloved family, friends, and his
long-time attorney.
Part II
goes back in time to 1925, when Pete was
twenty-two years old and had just graduated from
West Point. He is invited to attend a debutante
ball and is a very handsome young man in his
formal army dress whites. It's here he meets the
most beautiful girl in the room Liza Sweeney.
Pete is "thoroughly smitten" and the courtship
began. They were married the year they met.
In 1941,
when President Roosevelt announced a complete oil
embargo on Japan, war seemed imminent. Pete as a
reservist received his orders in September of
1941. Pete's assignment sent him to the
Philippines and the "timing couldn't have been
It's from
this point the author goes into a lengthy
description of General MacArthur's handling of
the American forces who were confined to the
peninsula. During The Battle of Bataan the
Americans and Filipinos fought valiantly with
little food and non-existant reinforcements, while
the Japanese had an endless supply of men,
armaments and provisions.
I learned
so much about the incredible bravery and sacrifice
that thousands of American and Filipino soldiers
endured not only on the Bataan Death March, but in
the prisoner of war camps "where the worst was
yet to come." The cruelty inflicted on these men
is beyond belief. In the final part of the story,
Pete's children are left to deal with many legal
issues as well as trying to help their Mother
recover from her bouts of severe depression. They
have more questions then answers about their
Father's crime. When at the very end of the book
they finally learn the "truth". Joel (Pete's son)
wishes he was "blissfully ignorant" since one lie
changed the course of so many lives with terrible
this is a fictional story, "the suffering and
heroism of those soldiers is difficultto imagine."
A quote from John Grisham.
is a story based on the unbelievable true events
that transpired in this country from the 1920's
through 1950. The story of babies and older
children who were either kidnapped or taken from
their parents under false pretenses. This book
tells how the Tennessee Children's Home Society
and Georgia Tann, it's director, sold these
children for profit and her own greed. Blond
children in particular were popular and at
greater risk if born to poor families, single
mothers, or those needing help from the welfare
services. The fictional Foss children, were such
a poor family who dearly loved their children,
but were taken from their parents by
"authorities" who were on her payroll. Ms. Tann
had a high-profile list of people who illegally
adopted these children including politicians,
Hollywood celebrities and other wealthy
The story is told from two
perspectives - the first from present day and the
character's name is Avery Stafford. She is from a
prominent family in Aiken, South Carolina. Avery
has returned home from Washington, D.C. to help
with her father's re-election campaign. Her father
is not well and going through cancer treatment
while trying to appear in public as strong and
capable as before his diagnosis.
While in Aiken, Avery meets an elderly
woman named May Crandall, who is drawn to her and
who seems to have a connection to her grandmother
and causes her to look into her grandmother's past
which seems somewhat mysterious and leads to long
kept secrets.
The other perspective is from
twelve year old Rill Foss. The year is 1939, and
she lives on a river boat with her parents. Rill
is the oldest of five children and she helps care
for her four younger siblings. They are known as
Shanty boat kids and their entertainment comes
from the river and the woods that surround them.
When Rill's mother and father need to leave the
boat for the hospital, the "authorities" swoop in
and take the children away.
The book then has alternating
chapters telling the story of Avery's family and
Rill's which the author beautifully weaves into
one tale of finding the truth of her grandmother's
past and for Rill trying to survive, while holding
onto her family.
When Avery is told that her
bracelet, a family heirloom from her grandmother,
was found with May at the care facility, she
returns to visit May and retrieve her bracelet.
She's told that May is having a difficult time
adjusting to leaving her home and is a bit
"confused". It's during this visit that Avery
becomes even more curious. A very old photograph
of a young handsome couple sits on May's night
stand and the woman in the photo has a striking
resemblance to her grandmother. Is she imagining
this connection to her family?
The other story line, as I
mentioned is about Rill Foss and her siblings who
have been taken from their home on the river by
officers claiming their Mamma and Daddy are
waiting for them. They hope if they cooperate
things will be alright... A quote from the book
tells us why this is considered by at least by one
other reviewer as one of the best books you'll
read this year. "The abduction of the five little
river gypsies who suffered at the hands of the
Tennessee Children’s Home Society deserve to have
their stories carried forward." At the end of this
book there's a note from the author. Ms. Wingate
gives us many references that verify the abuse and
cruelty that actually happened in our country
"that in this land of the free and home of
the brave there is a great baby market?". A quote
from the Saturday Evening Post, February 1,
I hope you enjoy this story of
a family who are separated as children, but by
mere chance are able to find their way back
Happy reading!
is another debut novel by an author who is also
a wildlife scientist which adds many interesting
facts about the desolate marshlands in which
this story unfolds. The marsh and it's shore
land along the North Carolina coast was known by
early explorers as the "Graveyard of the
Atlantic” because of riptides, furious winds and
rugged shoreline.
Where the
Crawdads Sing is a beautifully written story of a
young child who is abandoned and left to survive
with only memories of things her Ma and brother
Jodie taught her by age 6 and by observing the
wonders of nature.
The story begins
in 1969 when two young boys out riding their bikes
discover the dead body of Chase Andrews, a local
man lying in the swamp. From here the rest of the
book tells us the events that lead to his death.
Now it's 1952 and we learn the story of six year
old Kya and her struggles to survive. It’s a
steamy August day when her Ma leaves the shack
which is their home. She watches her Ma walk down
the rutted lane. Kya waits for her usual wave at
the end of the lane, which never comes… It didn't
take long for Kya's oldest brother and two older
sisters to leave too. You see, they’ve been
living in a terrible, abusive household their
whole lives. "They had endured Pa’s red-faced
drunken rages" for too long. Then the final straw,
her closest brother Jodie tells Kya he can’t stay
either. “Over the next few days, Kya learned from
the mistakes of others and more from the minnows
how to live with her abusive Pa. Just keep out of
the way, don’t let him see you, dart from sunspots
to shadows.”
The book then
goes back and forth to 1969 and the investigation
into the death of Chase Andrews, a former high
school football star and ladies man. His body was
found at the base of an old fire tower which on
face value looks like an accident. But, there are
no footprints, tire tracks, or evidence except for
a dead body. How and why was Chase there? One
morning when Pa has gone to talk to the army about
his belief that more disability is due him, Kya
wonders to the lagoon and sees Pa's boat drifting
on the line. "But, being only seven and a girl,
she’d never taken the boat out by herself”. This
opens up a whole new world for Kya. As she steers
through the waters of the marsh there's a beaver
lodge, turtles sliding from logs, and a whitetail
doe with last springs fawn lapping water. And most
amazing, she comes across a boy fishing in a
battered rig. In spite of her reluctance to talk
to this stranger, even though he smiled in a warm
and open way, she had no choice. She was lost, low
on gas, and a storm was coming. The young 12 year
old boy, Tate Walker, turns out to be one of the
only true friends Kya would ever have. Kya's
passion as she grows older is collecting feathers,
shells, abandoned bird nests and many other
miracles of nature. Also, to Kya's delight her Pa
takes her fishing that spring and teaches her to
fish. When she reels in a big fish, her Pa almost
smiles and for the first time in her young life
calls her “hon”.
This lonely,
sensitive and intelligent girl grows into a
beautiful young woman who the townspeople call the
Marsh Girl. Her only friend, Tate, teaches her to
read which is the greatest gift he could have
given her. His friendship and her friends
the gulls shape her solitary life.
There is so much
more to this wonderful story, but I think I'll let
you discover the many other interesting and
mysterious aspects of this book on your own. I
hope it will keep you entertained and anxious to
continue reading, as it did me.
Happy reading!!
never read Thomas Perry before, but I found this
spy story one that moves along nicely and relevant
to many stories you see on the news about monies
given to foreign countries to help them in many
different ways. This is the story of a military
intelligence officer who has been hunted for 35
years, for trying to do the right thing.
The story begins with Dan Chase
taking his two big mutts, Dave and Carol, for
their daily four to five mile walk in Northern,
New England. Dan wore a pair of short leashes
hanging around his neck. His belief was "that all
dogs wanted to be good dogs" so if he saw a
stranger, he could snap the leashes to their
collars. It's at this point that his instincts
kick in and he senses that he is being followed.
When he returns home there are no signs that
whoever was following him had broken in. But as a
cautious man, he sets up some old fashioned
security - tin cans connected to invisible fishing
line around the entry ways.
I'll leave you hanging right
there, but it gets pretty exciting at this
point... He collects his escape kit loaded with
two guns, spare magazines, three wallets with
different identities as well as American and
Canadian passports and lots of cash.
As you will find out, as a
young man he was discharged from the Army and
moved into a civilian special ops status that left
no records. His first assignment was to deliver a
huge amount of money to Libya to a middle-man
named Faris Hamzah. Dan stayed there for two
months waiting for the money to do it's work. The
insurgents were short of food, weapons, and
fuel. Meanwhile, Faris Hamzah, was driving a new
car, a Rolls-Royce and his body guards were
driving two new Range Rovers. When he reported
this to his handler, his reply was "you only gave
him twenty million". It was then that he made the
decision that changed the course of his life. To
try to do the right thing.
Throughout the book Dan takes
on several identities and moves several times.
There was even time for a little romance.
The sad part is that it's not only the
Libyan assassins that have him running, but our
own government who have falsely labeled him a
traitor and a thief as part of a cover-up. I'm
sure you've gotten the gist of this story by now.
There is lots of action and exciting parts that
have you wondering if he will come out alive.
He's been living on the edge for so many years
he's not afraid of death, but would rather be
alive enjoying his long walks with his two dogs
and maintaining a long-distance relationship with
his daughter and two grandsons.
'til next time, happy reading!!!
is the story of two women. One an adult, Angie
Malone who has longed for a baby during the
fourteen years of her marriage and a young
seventeen year old girl Lauren Ribido who has
longed for a mother who loved her and took care of
The story begins
with Angie Malone returning home to West Bend for
a family dinner. She's from a large, wonderful
Italian family and it's good to see everyone.
Except, Angie is still grieving the loss of her
baby girl Sophia who only lived a few short days.
Prior to this two other babies had ended in a
miscarriage. Their final attempt at becoming
parents was adoption which also ended badly. After
six months of supporting a teenage girl who
promised them her baby, she changed her mind once
the child was born.
It's at this point
that Angie and Conlan decide to end their
marriage. "Her need for a child had been like a
high tide, that had drowned them." While Angie is
deciding what comes next, she finds out that her
families' restaurant which has been the hub of
their family for decades, is in financial trouble.
"Mama" has a suggestion, "Angie can help". As a
successful creative director she has created many
successful campaigns which her deceased "Papa" had
been so proud of. So, begins a new chapter in
Angie's life. She moves back to the beach house
near her family home in West Bend, Washington.
Lauren Ribido is a
bright, motivated young woman who is working very
hard to be the best she can be. She's a senior at
"one of the best private schools in Washington on
full Scholarship." Unfortunately, her single Mom
is more interested in hanging at the local pub and
finding someone to love her than in actually
caring for Lauren as she should. Now, Lauren is
working to pay the past due rent, studying to earn
a scholarship for college and keep her grades
One rainy night,
Angie and Lauren "meet" in a parking lot where
Lauren is distributing flyers reading "Work
Wanted. Steady, Reliable." In the pouring rain,
Angie convinces Lauren to take a wad of bills
which goes immediately to help pay her rent.
As the story goes
on, Angie and Lauren form a very special bond.
Angie hires Lauren at the family restaurant and
becomes a part of the DeSaria family. (Mama isn't
sure since Lauren isn't Italian.) Then when
Lauren's Mom abandons her Angie doesn't hesitate
to offer her a place to live.
There are many
more dramatic events, but I hope this much peaks
your interest to read this emotional story of how
these characters find hope and love when it seems
impossible. As you know, Kristin Hannah has a
wonderful way of telling a story as in "The
Nightingale" or "The Great Alone". Happy
This 2015
Pulitzer Prize and the 2015 Andrew Carnegie Medal
for Excellence novel was highly recommended to me,
so despite the fact that it was another book about
World War Two, I wanted to read it. Although it
is beautifully written, you have to know going in
– it’s not a “beach read”. It’s challenging at
least it was for me… There is a great deal of
technical information regarding electrical
circuity and the study of marine biology. The
vocabulary in this book is also challenging. I
think I have a fairly good vocabulary, but I was
happy to be reading on my Kindle, because I had to
look up more words than I care to admit.

The story begins
in 1944 in the beautiful beach front town of
Saint-Malo in Brittany, France. “ A sightless
sixteen-year-old girl named Marie-Laure LeBlanc”
Is listening as Allied bombers attack the city to
reclaim the city from the Germans. Meanwhile just
streets away. a young German soldier, Werner
Pfennig is told to “get to the cellar”. This once
beautiful hotel has become a fortress to make a
last stand to hold the city.
There are so
many elements to this story that it would be very
difficult to cover all of them in this review. (It
took the author 10 years to write this 530 page
book!) This book is mainly about two children –
one French girl who survived in spite of
unbelievable odds and one German boy who due to
his remarkable understanding of circuitry is
inducted into a Nazi military training school,
training boys as young as nine years old to be
part of the elite Wehrmacht. (The defensive force)
Ultimately, their paths cross when Werner’s unit
is sent to Saint-Malo and he and Marie-Laure
become unlikely friends in the final days of the
occupation of France. In their short time together
he tells her “You are very brave” and she replies,
“It’s not bravery; I have no choice. I wake up and
live my life.” This story covers so many more
characters and events spanning a period of time
from 1934 to 1974, which is what makes it a very
special book. Happy reading!!
I’d like to preface my review with a reminder of
something I said in an earlier Review. My idea of
a good book is one that you can’t wait to get back
to. Another thought of mine is that a good
book, is one that even though you want to find out
what’s going to happen next, you don’t want the
book to end. This is such a book.

The story begins in 1974, with Leni a 13 year old
girl dreading going to her first day of school at
her fifth school in the last four years. Not a
bit easy for a lonely young girl. You see, her
Dad, Ernt can’t keep a job because “nothing ever
worked out the way he wanted”. He is a Vietnam
veteran who had been a POW. He came back to his
family a totally different man. He was not only
scarred emotionally but also physically.
Unfortunately, his anger is hardest on his family.
Cora (his wife) and Leni adore him, but also fear
his violent outbursts. Then, out of the blue Ernt
receives a letter from the Dad of his best friend
in Vietnam who had died there. His friend had left
him “forty acres with a cabin that needs fixing”
in Alaska! This is a new beginning for the family
and they leave for Alaska in a VW bus with high
hopes and little else.
This book speaks to the incredible beauty of
Alaska, the many dangers of living in Northern
Alaska in 1974 (the expression used in the book is
“that you can make two mistakes – the second one
can kill you”) and the characters various types of
love. There is young love when Leni finally
has a friend named Matthew. Toxic love shared by
her parents when Cora lives in constant fear and
pain. And finally, the love of virtual strangers
who make them welcome in Kaneq and teach them all
the skills needed to survive in the wilderness.
Kristin Hannah is an incredible author with a
descriptive writing ability that amazes me.
If you read the Nightingale you probably agree.
Happy Reading!
Mountain is William Kent Krueger’s 17th
novel of the Cork O’Connor series.I have read and
enjoyed the series and recommended them to many
friends along the way. I suppose since the stories
have mainly taken place in Northern Minnesota and
include learning more about the Ojibwe culture and
beliefs; they have held my interest and loyalty to
this author. The main character, Cork O’Connor is
half Native American and half Irish which serves
him well in the small town of Aurora, Mn where he
once served as the Sheriff and is now working as a
private investigator.

The story begins with a tragic airplane crash
killing Senator Olympia McCarthy and her family
near Desolation Mountain on the Iron Lake
Reservation. Cork as a part of the Tamarack County
Search and Rescue Team is one of the first
responders, along with others from the Iron Lake
Reservation. They arrive and when no one can be
saved they immediately try to find the cause of
the crash. But before they can discover anything,
but the carnage of the crash, they are hustled off
by the FBI and Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
Pilot error was the initial report from the NTSB
(National Transportation Safety Board) reported in
the local paper. But Cork has his doubts almost
immediately. Senator McCarthy was a rather
controversial individual with strong beliefs
concerning open pit mining in the Boundary Waters
area and gun control. Two hot button topics on
the national level as well. It’s at this point the
story, while interesting, seems more like a spy
novel. There is an alphabet of governmental
agencies involved the NTSB, DSS, FBI, DoD. You
get my drift. Plus there are unknown bullies
searching the area making threats to the first
responders who just want to find the truth about
this tragedy on their land.
In my opinion, a story is better when it moves
along and there is more clarity and less unknown
entities. But, I mainly read for the entertainment
factor! Like watching a good movie. As the story
progresses, Cork, his family and friends meet
their share of peril and danger, but as always his
Native American instincts and Irish strength pull
him through. I hope you enjoy this novel. Happy
must admit this book was recommended to me more
than once and I resisted reading it. It was about
the World War II. I have read so many books about
the war. But, finally a friend convinced me it was
much more than another book about the war.
It's about three
very different women and their stories which
intersect in the course of the war. The story
begins in 1939, with Caroline a wealthy New Yorker
who volunteers her time working at the French
Consulate organizing galas and other fund raising
events to help French children and others affected
by the war in Europe. Not an easy task as most
Americans wanted to stay out of the war at that
point. As the war goes on, she begins selling her
families antique silver when France is occupied
and no funds are contributed from Europe.

Then you'll meet
Kasia a Polish teenager who is out with her
friends on beautiful afternoon when German planes
started circling their town and bombing the
refugees who were digging potatoes and milking
their cows. This was just the beginning of her
harrowing, painful journey for many years.
The third woman
is Herta. A German medical student who is loyal
to the Fuhrer and hoping to become a surgeon.
Unfortunately, she believes Hitler's propaganda
"This war will be over within weeks." When she has
trouble finding a job as a physician, she finds an
ad looking for a camp doctor at a "reeducation
camp" for women named Ravensbruck. On her first
day she sees women being whipped, but is told any
breach of security will lead to your family's
imprisonment and possible death penalty for you.
She soon becomes involved in horrendous acts,
including experimental surgeries on young Polish
girls. They become known as the "Rabbits".
It became well
known after the war, of the horrific acts of the
Third Reich, but I really never thought about the
aftermath of the war and how these victims tried
to put their lives back together. The book ends
in 1959, so as you'll see the suffering was not
over for many years.
This is a story
you won't soon forget and it's true. Again, a
debut novel which is sometimes the best according
to a dear friend. Happy reading!
Linda's Featured Book Review:
The Space Between Us
By Dete Meserve
New Year everyone. Sorry I haven’t written for a
Anyway, this is a book I read
back in November and really enjoyed. It’s unique
in that the main character, Sarah is a scientist
and astronomer so there is a back story with
information on our planet, solar system,
constellations and the like.
The story begins with Sarah
returning from making a presentation in
Washington, D.C. to high level NASA people on a
major discovery called a Trojan asteroid. When
she returns to L.A. her excitement quickly turns
to concern. It’s 1 o’clock a.m. and her husband
isn’t home and all her teenage son tells her is
that her husband’s last words to him were: keep
the doors locked and set the alarm… Next she finds
a loaded Glock in their night stand. They had
never owned a gun.
As the
days pass and Ben (her husband) is still missing
she tries to piece together the puzzle of his
disappearance. The space between their fond
memories and the mystery of current clues and
accusations against him.
If you
enjoy a good who dunit and why, I think you will
enjoy this read. Happy reading until next time.
Linda's Featured Book Review:
Angel Falls
By Kristin Hannah
Falls is a story of a family who seemingly have it
all. A small beautiful community, a lovely log
home, 2 beautiful children, a loving Dad and a
"perfect" Mom. Until, Halloween morning when
their lives are turned upside down...
Precious nine year old Bret is up by 5:30 a.m.
dressing in his new outfit for Halloween. He's a
young cowboy from head to foot. He's on a mission
to prove to his horse savvy Mom that he is old
enough for the Angel Falls overnight trail ride.
When Mom joins him in the barn is when things
begin to go awry. Mikaela (Mom) has a terrible
fall that morning and falls into a coma...
With no guarantee she will wake up, the family
spends day and night at her bedside, hoping their
love and devotion will bring her back. Sadly,
it's a long kept secret about Mikaela that is
seemly her only hope...
author has a beautiful, descriptive way of writing
about a family in crisis. Will their love and
devotion to remain a family be enough? I hope you
enjoy this poignant novel. Happy reading. |
Linda's Featured Book Review:
Something in the Water
By Catherine Steadman
usually say I hate books that start with the
ending. But, in this instance I enjoyed this
debut novel by Catherine Steadman so much because
she definitely keeps you guessing! Just as a
footnote she also had a role on the popular series
"Downton Abbey". Lots of talents.
I mentioned, the books begins with Erin digging a
grave...That's on the first page - so not a
spoiler. The story is about a young British
couple, Erin and Mark, who are planning their
wedding. Everything is going along well but,
before the nuptials, Mark loses his job which
leads to some tension and downsizing of the
They decide to splurge and fly first class to Bora
Bora where things get really interesting when they
go scuba diving and "find something in the
water"... It changes the course of their lives
and nothing turns out as you would expect.
definition of a good book is one that you CANNOT
wait to get back to. This is one of those books.
I hope you enjoy this novel. Happy reading.
Dick's Featured Book Review:
Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich
Plum’s the name, and fugitive apprehension is the game. Some call it skip
tracing or even bounty hunting. Regardless of the
name; Janet Evanovich has written twenty or more
Stephanie Plum novels, so has pretty much covered
the field.
Nineteen” is a fun and funny book. Questionably
funny, considering the dark nature of the
material. But what’s not funny about a grandma
with an evil eye? Or how about a giant albino
partnered with a gutsy dwarf? Anyway, things
didn’t really get going until one of the skippers
landed in the hospital for surgery and then
disappeared. Wait---two more did the same??
OK---what does it mean? Perhaps it has something
to do with some embezzled millions in gold?? Or,
something much more sinister? Think dead bodies,
and grave digging. And other options present
themselves also, so read the book, and enjoy!!
Janet Evanovich
is a number one New York Times bestseller, with
numerous awards, including the prestigious John
Creasey Memorial.
Dick's Featured Book Review:
The Late Show by Michael Connelly
Late Show” by best selling author Michael Connelly
is our introduction to spirited young crime
fighter, Renee’ Ballard. Ballard works “The Late
Show” (midnight shift), the worst of the worst
because she had the
to accuse a
supervisor of sexual harassment. But, if she has
to do the job, she does it right. And doing it
right calls for putting her job and life on the
Two cases come
together in a single night and gives Ballard the
opportunity to bring her skills into play for
something more important than late night drunks.
First she finds a badly beaten prostitute. Then
she is called in for a case of mass murder. Five
people have been cut down in a night club. Thus
begins a tense investigation that leads Ballard to
a fight for her life.
A great ending
rounds out a winner of a story and one of the best
surprise endings in a long time. Read it and
Connelly has
written 29 other novels and has sold over 60
million copies.
Dick's Featured Book Review:
The Ferguson Rifle by Louis L'Amour
by many to be the greatest western writer of them
all, Louis L’Amour has written more than 400 short
stories and novels, with millions in print at any
time. Many of these works have been made into
movies, such as “Hondo” starring John Wayne.
L’Amour has used
his study and personal experience as the basis for
many of his characters. He was a longshoreman,
lumberjack, elephant handler, flume builder, fruit
picker and an officer in a tank destroyer during
WWII as well as a professional boxer, winning 51 of
59 bouts.
“The Ferguson
Rifle” has all the requirements for a good story.
Good characters, interesting plot and some
romantic interest. Bringing together these
factors with the historical and geographical
information L’Amour was famous for, we have a pure
With his wife and
son dead from a suspicious home fire,
Ronan Chantry heads west
to face his destiny. He heads into the mountains
and meets a group of mountain men. Together they
face Indians, both hostile and friendly. Life is
a constant struggle for survival and then they
find a lovely girl who seeks help finding a 200
year old treasure, and protection from a dangerous
uncle. And so the story continues. There’s
plenty of action to go around. Oh, and by the
way, we meet a tough old man who lives in a cave.
Etc. Etc., Read it and Enjoy!
L’Amour died
Dick's Featured Book Review:
Back Story by Robert B. Parker
Story" is an original Spenser private eye novel,
bringing us the original story characters.
Robert B. Parker died a few years ago, leaving
behind a treasure trove of great stories.
New stories are being released quite often,
written by various authors who do a spot on job of
bringing the original characters back to life.
But this is an original story. This is a
convoluted story of mayhem and murder. All
the regulars are here, Ty-Bop, Vinnie, Susan and
of course Spenser's friend, and sometimes partner,
Hawke. Whether helping or protecting, their
presence is always welcome.
A friend of
Spenser's refers to him a woman whose mother was
killed during a bank robbery 28 years before.
Find who did it please. Why the delay?
Suspicious? Local law enforcement and the
FBI appear to be discouraging this investigation.
How Come? Because the robbers were a
revolutionary group known as "the Dread Scott
Brigade"? Or is it because a mob boss is in
the background?? Regardless, Spenser is in a
lot of trouble.
As usual,
enlightening conversation, loaded with humor and
irony keeps the reader wide awake and looking for
more of the same. Read it & Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Book Review:
Justice Denied by J. A. Jance
Jance’s “Justice Denied” is yet another
bestselling novel featuring Seattle cop J.P.
Beaumont & his partner/lover Mel Soames. Kicked
off with the murder of a recently exonerated young
man, this story widens into a search for an
apparent vigilante, or vigilantes.
Ordered to keep
details of his investigation hush-hush, Beau soon
finds that the case Mel is working on is also
being kept quiet. Sex offenders from all over
Washington State are dying under suspicious
circumstances. Questions arise when it is found
that DNA evidence has been tampered with. Friends
of friends make it difficult to do their jobs as
Beau & Mel realize they are dealing with something
much bigger and more dangerous than they had
thought. Did I mention the three nuns?? It’s a
good read! Enjoy!
J.A. Jance is the
New York Times Best Selling Author of the J.P.
Beaumont series of novels. She has also written a
series starring Joanna Brady, and 4 stand-alone
Dick's Featured Review:
NYPD RED 2 by James Patterson
in collaboration with Marshall Karp
RED 2” by James Patterson, in collaboration with
Marshall Karp, is a satisfying story of vengeance
via vigilance. The victims of the vigilantes have
been found garbed in Tyvek coveralls (hazmat-like
clothes), thus the tabloids have named him/her the
“Hazmat Killer”. Shortly after the victims are
found a video is on the internet showing the
victim confessing to some terrible crime of
his/her own! The fourth victim is wealthy,
politically connected and famous. And NYPD RED is
just the outfit that handles cases involving such
people. Wealth & politics call for special
handling by everyone. Top detectives Zach Jordan
and his partner Kylie MacDonald are called upon to
close this case in a hurry, because elections are
imminent and jobs are at risk.
It all began years
ago when the son of a mob boss was killed by high
school victims of the son’s arrogance and evil.
So we can suspect the WHY of subsequent actions,
but the WHO is still up in the air and answering
that is the fun in this story.
Zach & Kylie have
a history & Kylie’s husband is an addict and Zach
still has feeling for her, but Cheryl loves Zach
and Zach is concerned that Matt is getting too
close to Cheryl… Oh well, just ignore all this as
it has little to do with the big question… WHO?
Despite the
political & personal pressure, Zach & Kylie keep
eliminating the chaff and finally get to the
“Uhha” moment when things come together & they
realize who they have been seeking. By then
however, because of a son’s carelessness, and a
mother’s thoughtfulness, the vigilantes find
themselves as the victims of vigilante justice!
Oh, go ahead and
read it, there is a lot more to it and you’ll
enjoy it! |
Dick's Featured Review:
Windigio Island by William Kent Kruger
Island” is another area winner by William Kent
Kruger. It’s no walk in the park on a summer day
kind of book, but rather a hard rainy, stormy
weather sort of story, that gets down and dirty on
several levels. It takes all hands on deck for
Cork O’Connor. His friend and mentor, the 100
year old healer, Henry Meloux is on hand with his
advice, as is Cork’s obstinate daughter Jenny.
The story involves the lives of missing young
girls, and Cork's efforts to not only find them
but to find those responsible for their
disappearance. The tale starts out ugly and goes
down hill from there.
Some kids, doing what kids do,
met on a small rock strewn island in lake
Superior, for a bit of harmless vandalism. What
they found was the body of teen-ager Carrie Verga.
Area residents were convinced that “Windingo” a
killer beast of mythical legend had killed again.
Carrie was one of two young girls who went missing
the year before. The family of the other girl,
Mariah Arseneaux has requested former sheriff and
now private investigator O’Connor to find their
missing daughter before it is to late for her too.
Cork soon finds that the sex
trade, involving helpless young native American
children has a tight hold on the lives of these
kids. Things get more and more dangerous as clues
lead to those responsible for this horrendous
activity. A man named “Wolf”, and his brother who
has taken the appropriate name “Windingo” take
serious exception to Cork’s efforts and things get
deadly for family and friends. The final showdown
takes a terrible toll on body and mind.
But,…..well read it and enjoy!! |
Dick's Featured Review:
Robert B. Parkers Lullaby by
Ace Atkins
B. Parker’s Lullaby", written by Ace Atkins is a
well-done, fast paced story starring Spenser.
Hero, knight in shinning armor, Don Quixote…
Spenser may be any, all, or none of these,
depending who is asked. He may not be liked by
everyone, but he is respected by all. So it is
that a 14 year old, street smart, girl asks
Spenser to investigate her mother’s murder. Not
wanting to be considered an easy mark, Spenser
settles for 2 frosted donuts for his fee. That
includes the services of Spenser’s friend & often
partner, Hawk. And so the tale begins!
Mother may have
been a
drunken, drug addicted prostitute, but no matter,
she was mom. It soon became clear that getting
the full story of mom’s background would entail
going to Spenser’s sources; from pickpockets, to
company presidents, to mob bosses and of course
his friends in law enforcement. Spencer’s case
started to come together. Oh, there were some
trying times like when Hawk was shot-gunned in the
chest and Spenser was also taken down. And the
toughest part of the job was keeping Mattie out of
the way & safe. With a sassy attitude, and a big
mouth, Mattie was a hindrance, not a help. But
Spenser is Spenser and we’re glad of it, and the
action, and wise cracks keep on coming.
Good story, great
characters and thumbs up to Atkins for a job well
done. Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Review:
Robert B. Parkers Wonderland by
Ace Atkins
B. Parker’s Wonderland" is another Spenser novel
written by Ace Atkins. Really well drawn
characters bring this tale to life. And those
characters are Parker’s characters. Spenser is
the Spenser we have known before. Everything
bespeaks Robert. B. Parker. The feel is right,
the tone is right, the attitude is there & I can
say with certainty Spenser is there too! And the
story gives us the chance to see Spenser at his
best: tough guy with an unstoppable sense of humor
and quick witted, with street smarts & street
Henry Cimoli is
one of those friends, and he needs Spenser’s
help. Three thugs have threatened him if he
doesn’t stop causing trouble in the attempted
purchase of Cimoli’s condo. Spenser and his new
protégé; “Z”, took care of the trio the next time
they visited Henry. And that was just the start
of a lot of serious bodily contact. There was
very serious interest in Cimoli’s condo. Rumor
had it that the condo could be the key-stone in a
plan to open a casino in the Boston area. The
interest was from local parties and from as far
away as Las Vegas. Politicians, a beautiful,
forceful woman, our ambitions developer (who by
the way loses his head over the whole thing)
propel this tale. If you can handle serious
violence, with bodily injury and death, this story
is for you. Enjoy!!
Dick's Featured Review:
Forgotten by David Baldacci
a couple dozen bestsellers, and with over 100
million copies in print now, would you expect
anything other than another winner? Well, “The
forgotten” , by David Baldacci is just such a
book. Fast paced &action filled, the story pulses
with excitement that carries thru to the last
sentence. Our Protagonist here is John Puller Jr.
army specialist, and the go to man when the army
needs “special” assistance with National
Security. This time Puller is working on a case
that is very personal to him.
It began with a letter from
Puller’s aunt , sent to his father, three star
general John Puller Sr. The letter laid out a
suspicious series of events, about which his aunt
was very concerned. The General “ordered” Puller
to do what he did best…investigate! What he found
was that his aunt had died by “accident” According
to the local police. With this, the investigation
went in to high gear, because puller was convinced
that her death was not accidental. What Puller
finds is a massive conspiracy, run by those
considered beyond the law. It involves smuggling
at its ugliest. Who is involved? Who can be
trusted? Friends appear and disappear. Those
most trusted may not be. Those whose assistance
is taken for granted??? Hang in there, cause the
story has many ups and downs, but keeps one in a
heightened state of attention for the next twist.
The characters in this one are
well developed and indeed, bring their own twist
to a really exceptional story! Read it and
Dick's Featured Review:
Robert B. Parker's Dammed if you do by Michael Brandman
B. Parker’s "Dammed if you do” written by Michael Brandman is another Jesse Stone facsimile that
manages to carry the storyline quite well. It
does have the feel of one of the original Jess
Stone stories. For those of you who were not
aware, Michael Brandman has written 2 previous
books in the name of Robert B. Parker (deceased) –
“Robert. B. Parker’s Fool me Twice” and “Robert.
B. Parker’s Killing the Blues”. Both of them
were well written New York Times best sellers.
Still the smart talking, fearless, honest law man,
Paradise Police Chief, Jesse Stone lives on!
In this one, a young woman is found dead in
a rundown beachfront motel and identity is
unknown. Hard headed, but soft hearted, Jesse
wanted , no... needed, to know who she was and why
she was murdered. This one wouldn’t end up as
just another Jane Doe. Little did Jesse know that
the trail would lead to more than just the
identity of the young woman. Rather, he found
himself in the middle of a turf battle for control
of prostitution in Paradise.
With information supplied by Gino Fish, known
criminal, and “acquaintance” of Jesse’s he pushes
for answers from the combatants themselves.
Thomas Walker is from the old school & treat’em
then beat’em, while Fat Boy Nelly professes a much
more civil & understanding approach to his
occupation. But, you can believe that neither of
them is averse to killing if need be. And, “need
be” time is now.
In the meantime, another story wends itself
throughout the basic tale. A friend of Jesse’s
has been lodged in a retirement home. Jesse finds
that everything is not ok there, and another
investigation gets underway. Interesting
characters make for an interesting tale. Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Review:
Robert B. Parker's Fool Me Twice by Michael
B. Parker’s Fool Me Twice” is the second Jesse
Stone novel written by Michael Brandman. And, it
is a very well done homage to Parker’s character
complete with a tip of the hat to Mildred Memory.
For more information and comments on the work of
Michael Brandman, please read my review of “Robert
B. Parkers Killing the Blues”. This time around
Stone has to deal with the threat on the life of a
beautiful movie star. But, that is not the only
problem he has, as this is a triple header, a trio
of crime, a veritable trifecta of criminal
First, I’ll
mention the case of the terribly trying teenage
terror who tries Jesse’s patience when he attempts
to help her, after she causes a fearful collision
thru careless driving while texting. She is to
say the least, a difficult person to help.
Second, we have
the case of the too high water bills. Oh, don’t
poo poo it, you may not think it is anything to
write about, let alone read about, but criminal
activity arises in strange ways & places.
And finally, the
really serious stuff. A Hollywood movie company
has invaded Paradise Mass. and with it comes the
above mentioned threat on the life of star Marisol
Hinton. An estranged husband's jealousy has Jesse,
and the rest of Paradise’s police forces working
overtime protecting her. Is she worth it?
Good stuff and a
fun read! Enjoy!!!
Dick's Featured Review:
Deadline by John Sandford
by John Sandford is another plot winner involving
Lucas Davenport and the Bureau of Criminal
Apprehension. This one is all Virgil Flowers
(known to many as “that F---ing Flowers”) hot
shot, go-to man for the BCA problem cases. And
this go-around calls for all his skills, as this
is a two-fer. One case has to do with stolen
dogs, and the other with murder, murder, murder!
Responding to a
call from a friend, Virgil is in a small town in
Minnesota searching for leads to a dog-napping
case. Dogs have apparently been taken from their
owners to be sold to labs for experimental use.
Sounds kinda low grade work for Virgil, but things
do get serious. And, in the meantime, a local
school board has taken a vote, whether or not to
kill a local newspaper reporter. Per the board
chairman “it’s unanimous, or its prison.” With a
unanimous vote, the murders begin – one follows
another. And by then Virgil is fully involved.
Oh, he hasn’t given up on the dog case, and with
assistance from a young boy, who knows what’s
what, he makes headway in both cases.
Fun story, great
plot, interesting characters, what more can you
ask for – Read it & Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Review:
Chestnut Street
by Maeve Binchy
Binchy’s book “Chestnut Street” is an interesting
collection of short (very short) biographical
tales. Nay, vignettes, that stand alone with
little connection save that all the subjects live
on Chestnut Street in Dublin, Ireland. I wrote a
review of her book “A Week in Winter” sometime
back and it contained the stories of a very
disparate group of strangers coming together at a
vacation Inn. They were similar tales told, but
in a more connective manner. Maeve first imagined
Chestnut Street, and then developed one character
at a time and put the stories away to be used “in
the future”. Maeve died in 2012, and the future
is now, and “Chestnut Street” is it.
The characters of
this novel are so well created that each story can
stand by itself. Take shy, “lumpish” Dolly, who
got along with no one, while her mother got along
with everyone, including Dolly’s classmates. Yes,
there was a bit of jealousy, but in the end, Dolly
learned that in life there was more than one way
to go and it need not be the right way. Or, take
Jane & Anita, and Molly, who as strangers took “a
leap of faith” and bought the house on Chestnut
Street as a way to get away from families who made
life uncomfortable. Living together was now a
happy way to live. Oh don’t think everything that
goes on on Chestnut Street is going to end up
hunky dory – life isn’t like that. But, what the
heck, read it anyway & Enjoy.
Dick's Featured Review:
Storm Prey by John Sanford
Prey” by John Sanford is another really excellent
story starring his main man Lucas Davenport,
investigator for the Bureau of Criminal
Apprehension. This time out Lucas is even more
personally involved in the case than usual, since
his wife, Weather, is the target of some truly
dangerous murderers. It’ll take all of Lucas’
crew to keep Weather safe and catch the men
they’re after. Shrake is there as is Jenkins &
Marcy. And of course that “---ing Virgil” is on
hand too. How could they not succeed? But,
things are made more difficult because Weather is
obligated to a high profile surgical procedure to
separate a pair of conjoined babies. Protection
is difficult.
Everything began
with a botched robbery of the hospital pharmacy,
where the operation is taking place over a period
of several days. Someone was killed and Weather
saw the robbers on their way out. Could she
identify them? They couldn’t chance it. Things
don’t go well on many levels, both for the
villains and for the good guys. It is one of
those convoluted stories that make it difficult to
see clearly where it is going next. But, of
course, it is done in Sanford’s inimitable
fashion, with Elan, and aplomb (Wow!). Murder
begets murder, and we know there is a doctor
involved (say it isn’t so). Don’t worry,
everything comes together for a very exciting
ending. Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Review:
The Keeper by John Lescroart
Keeper” by John Lescroart is a good platform for
displaying the talents and instincts of premier
defense lawyer Dismas Hardy. And in this case, we
are doubly blessed to have the tough, hardworking,
Abe Glitsky working for the defense. This is a
rather difficult position for the retired police
homicide investigator, but as a long-time friend
of Dismas, Abe has come out of retirement to
assist. And the case is a challenge for everyone;
a jail guard accused of murdering his wife.
Suspiciously, Hal
Chase, hired Dismas when his wife was just missing
for a couple days. But, maybe it was a good idea,
since soon after she was found murdered, and Hal
was arrested on suspicion. Abe Glitsky offers his
services to Dismas, and so begins a wild ride on
the way to solution of a very complicated case.
Part of the problem is that suspicious deaths have
occurred at the jail where Hal has been a guard
for several years. Oh, the deaths were called
suicides, accidents or natural causes, but….??
Abe makes a few
fumbles and a couple downright missteps, but a
couple good, instinctual actions on Abe’s part
brings about truly surprising results. You know
me & surprises – Love ‘em!
Lescroart does a
good job of building an interesting story step by
step and at the same time making us know
the people involved. This is a good example.
Dick's Featured Review:
Wayfaring Stranger by James Lee Burke
Stranger" by James Lee Burke is not what I had
expected. I have previously read all of Burke's
wonderful novels starring detective Dave Robicheaux,
and this is not them! I am a feel good reader, and
even a tragic, or harsh story can offer up a
feeling of satisfaction and completeness without
being depressive. This story is depressive.
Despite Burke's wonderful prose and philosophical
asides, the over-all pall of the story is
1934 at age 16 Weldon Holland fired a gunshot into
the rear of a stolen 1932 Chevy Confederate
automobile carrying the infamous bank robbers
Bonnie & Clyde. Whether in reality or in
imagination this incident returns, at significant
moments throughout the tale. And years later in an
almost fantastic bit of story telling, the car
comes back once again in a starring role in the
story finale.
1944, at the age of 26, Weldon and his Sgt.
Hershel Pine, fight their way from behind enemy
lines at the Battle of the Bulge, and while doing
this, Weldon rescues his future wife Rosita from a
destroyed extermination camp inside Germany.
war over, Weldon and Hershel start a business
servicing oil pipelines. Together with Hershel's
new wife Linda Gail, and Rosita, this tale plods
on. Linda Gail manages to fuel the
fire of malicious persecution that smothers their
lives: "Here's to you Linda Gail. You've wrecked
three cars, struck a behemoth of a Houston
policeman in the face with your bare hand, and are
on the edge of entering a adulterous affair with a
man married to probably one of the most vicious
women in Texas, and its not even noon." And so it
goes, deceit follows deceit with every action
aimed at destroying them and their company.
Epilogue to this story does give one modicum of
respite from the interminable downward spiral of
the tale - but, its then too late to allow me to
call this a feel-good story. However, there are
undoubtedly people out there who will find this
story just fine. To them I say Enjoy!!
Dick's Featured Review:
Field of Prey by John Sandford
Sandford has another winner in his latest book
“Field of Prey”. He lays out the story plot step
by step and keeps us aware of what it takes to
bring together all the parts into a final
resolution. Oh there’s a lot of “by guess and by
gosh” mixed with pure luck, but overall there is
mostly hard work to bring this case to an end. Be
advised that the story is a hideous one involving
torture and murder – and murder – and murder!!
And Norman Bates (“Psycho”) has nothing on the
killer (killers?) in this story. Lucas Davenport,
once again, heads up the investigation.
A young couple was
searching for a spot in the woods where they
could…well, socialize. However, they were
disturbed by a terrible stench. Searching it out,
they found a body in a partially covered cistern.
One body turned in to fifteen by the time
Davenport came on the scene. With identification
came the realization that the murders had occurred
one a year for numerous years. With the BCA,
local police sheriff’s department and Feds
involved, it would seem things should wrap up
quickly….not so! One of Lucas’ people is killed,
one of the local investigators is killed and one
the sheriff’s people is kidnapped and tortured.
Finally, there is a break, but also an
unbelievable surprise. Who’d have thought
that….well, read it, you will find it to be one of Sandford’s best ever stories. Enjoy!!
Dick's Featured Review:
Body Movers by Stephanie Bond
Movers” by Stephanie Bond is a look at the life of
Carlotta Wren, sales woman for Neiman Marcus. Ten
years ago she was part of a well-to-do family,
engaged to a wealthy young up and comer, and
generally part of the “in crowd”. And then her
father was indicted for investment fraud. And to
make things worse, mom & dad took off for parts
unknown. Left with a nine year old brother,
Wesley, and with no extended family to help,
seventeen year old Carlotta had her work cut out
for her. And, oh, her fiancé dropped her, and so
called friends became scarce. Enough yet?!!
Angela Ashford is
now married to Peter Ashford, Carlotta’s former
fiancé, and believe it when I say she doesn’t like
Carlotta! When Angela is found murdered in her
swimming pool, suspicion falls on Carlotta.
Wesley is no help – his gambling addiction has
brought him to the attention of a cop who has long
hoped to find Carlotta’s parents. Despite finally
getting a job, transporting bodies from accidents
and nursing homes, any money Wesley earns goes
right to some very ugly “creditors”. Carlotta
suspects Peter is guilty of murder when another
body is found. Oh, and wait until you find out
who the killer is! Believe me, this is one
convoluted (don’t you love that word) story.
Don’t worry, it all comes together and I’m sure
you will ENJOY!
Dick's Featured Review:
Tamarack County
by William Ken Krueger
County" by William Ken Krueger is yet again a
winner for one of my favorite mystery writers.
Suspense? It's here. Great Character?
You bet! And plenty of twists and surprises.
We all know how I love surprises. So, lets
just put it out there ---Winner!! Cork
O'Connor is back in a case that challenges all his
talents as a private investigator. And this
one fully envelopes Cork's family as well.
Would-be nun, daughter Anna, brings home an
unexpected surprise, and son, Stephan, finds first
love can be difficult. Oh, Cork also finds
love has its challenges.
Just before
Christmas Cork is asked to help in the search for
the missing wife of a very unlikable retired
judge. The disappearance starts to look like
part of an entirely different story, as clues
point to a connection with a long-ago murder of a
young woman. A man connected to that case
finds his dog slaughtered and decapitated.
Cork was also a part of that earlier case.
Coincidence? It appears someone may be
seeking vengeance - a judge, a witness, the
deputy-in-charge??? But the attacks are not
directly at them, but those closest to them.
The urgency of solving this case and stopping the
assailant is magnified when Stephan is almost
This is the
thirteenth Cork O'Connor novel, and quality
writing shows throughout. It is a pleasure
to read and I know you will...Enjoy!!
Dick's Featured Review:
Just Breathe by Susan Wiggs
Breathe" by Susan Wiggs follows the life and times
of Sarah Moon, cartoonist of the syndicated strip
"Just Breath", starring Sarah's alter ego, Shirl.
As with her own life, Shirl's is filled with hope,
love, fertility treatments, infidelity and above
all, change. Yes, with the hope of having a
child, Sarah & Shirl were having fertility
treatments when an early arrival, at home, at an
inopportune time, found Sarah's husband being
infidelitous (is there such a word?) Anyway,
that's when the change part starts to happen.
What would Shirl do?
Well, Sarah knew
what to do! She closed her separate bank
account, sold her husbands GTO automobile, got a
new hairdo, and headed to her family in
California, in her new Cooper S. Mini convertible.
Home for Sarah
was not a happy carefree place growing up.
Loss of her mother, and a distant father, made for
a quiet, moody girl whose only outlet for her
feelings were comics she drew lampooning others
she felt needed a realty check. One of her
favorite targets was Will Bommer [heart throb
extraordinaire]. He also has had drastic
changes in his life. Together something
might well....well, you know. Its at this
point Sarah discovers she is pregnant...with her
ex's twins!! What would Shirl do?
I could tell you
more - about Will's adopted daughter, about
Sarah's husband & his mother, about the arsonist
who is plaguing the town, about ....well, read it
yourself, you will enjoy it.
Dick's Featured Review:
Light of the World by James Lee Burke
32 previous novels under his belt, James Lee Burke
has brought us another gripping story in “Light of
the World”. I have used the terms murder & mayhem
in the past, but in this savage tale, the term
must be MURDER & MAYHEM. This is not just the
usual well-written detective story we expect from
Burke, but it is also a well-written Horror
story. From the hideous stench surrounding a
mountain cave, on the wall of which is written a
devilish statement, to the tracks of an upright
beast found beneath a bedroom window, the two
genres come together for a fascinating joy ride of
action & terror.
Dave Robicheaux,
the Louisiana Sherriff’s Detective we’ve met in
several earlier stories by Burke, has gone to
Montana for vacation with family & friends. Soon
after arriving, daughter Alafair is nearly killed
while hiking. Then the daughter of Dave’s partner
is savagely assaulted. It is about then that
Alafair thinks she has seen a horror from the
past, in the person of Asa Surrette, convicted
sadist and serial killer. But how can that be so,
since this killer was reportedly killed in a fiery
car crash just recently?
The adopted
daughter of a millionaire oil man is killed, and
yet another avenue of murder and mayhem opens up.
Or, is it the same avenue with different
characters?? The oil man’s son, a nutcase cowboy,
and his frightening girl friend, as well as
dishonest cops complete the cast of characters
that make this story work. Not for the feint of
heart-but heck, suck it up and …Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Review:
Miss Invisible by Laura Jensen Walker
Invisible” by Laura Jensen Walker is a real hoot.
Funny, yet sad to a degree, the story follows the
struggle to find one’s place in a world that does
not necessarily accept everyone equally. “One
size does not fit all” says Frederika “Freddie”
Heinz. A big woman (not “plus-sized” please),
Freddie’s life is one long effort to feel she is
not invisible; ignored by waiters, sales clerks &
John Doe on the street. And, disapproving stares
when she’s seen trying to enjoy a dessert are
certainly no better than being totally ignored.
Something must change!
Instead of
imagining wonderful changes and great scenarios,
(oh, believe me, Walter Mitty had nothing on
Freddie), she starts a blog that encourages change
in all women living large. Hyped by this positive
activity, she decides to go all the way…I am
woman!!! And, the fun & funny begins.
Led into the new
life of a free woman (free from the weight of
constant concern with appearance) by Deborah, a
plus, plus woman friend, new clothes, hair-do and
attitude make a good start to the desired change.
Fired from her job as a head baker, she doesn’t
miss a step and joins Deborah in her catering
business . She meets a man…then another man, and
then…well, give it a read, its worth the time.
Dick's Featured Review:
Bitsy's Bait & BBQ by Pamela Morsi
Bait & BBQ” by Pamela Morsi is a fun story about
hope and determination; determine a course and
hope for the best. This could very well be the
motto for Emma Collins and her sister Katy Dodson,
as Emma once again backs Katy’s mask action, in
buying a B & B in a small out of the way village
in the Ozark Mountains. Sight unseen, purchased
off the internet, the B & B is of course not what
Katy had thought it was. B & B to most people
means Bed & Breakfast. In this small town it
means “Bait & BBQ”. The run-down establishment
had once been the center of activity during, and
after, vacation season (read: Fishing Season), and
townsfolk have hope it will be again.
Knowing nothing
about fishing, disliking grubs & worms, and unable
to make decent BBQ, the women and Katy’s 5 year
old son Josh begin a life completely foreign to
them. But, everyone in town wants to help them
make a success of the venture. This includes the
mailman, who is also the pastor and the bait
salesman, who is also the local lawyer (somewhat
retired). Things move along and even the BBQ
improves, well a bit anyway. And then Katy’s
former mother-in-law (who felt Katy was unworthy
of her son Sean) decides she is the best one to
have custody of Josh. And so begins phase two of
the lives & loves of Emma and Katy in Warbler
Lake. Enjoy!!
Dick's Featured Review:
The Innocent by
David Baldacci
Baldacci’s “The Innocent” is yet another winner
for an author who has a long history of winners
such as “Absolute Power”, “The Camel Club” and
“Split Second”. Non-stop, breathtaking action is
a key component of Baldacci’s success. And, it’s
all here in a story of murder for hire. Yes, our
protagonist is a killer. He’s no 007, but he is
licensed to kill. Will Robie is the best because
he has never let sentiment interfere with his
work. Until his last job! His last job was
different and the difference started everything.
Not completing the
job left him out in the cold. While fleeing the
scene, after an attempt on his life, Robie meets a
young girl running from a foster home following
her parent’s murder. And with this meeting (a
coincidence??), a cat and mouse game begins. At
first it appears Robie is marked for death, but
too many missed opportunities for his demise make
them wonder just who is the target.
Despite his
lone-wolf philosophy, Robie realizes he needs
help. He finds that help in the person of FBI
agent Nicole Vance. Was it a mistake? Deceit
follows deceit. Who can be trusted? One
tantalizing clue after another ends with someone’s
death. And, also, someone doesn’t care about
wholesale collateral damage.
This is a
seductive read loaded with suspense, intrigue and
a full dose of mayhem & murder. Baldacci at his
best. Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Review:
A Week in Winter by Maeve Binchy
Week in Winter” is Maeve Binchy’s last and final
novel. Her death in the last year truly leaves a
void in the lives of all who love really good
stories; stories that are what I call feel-good
stories. Ok, I like mystery and action, as well
as horror stories and westerns, but give me an
old-fashioned feel gooder, and I’m really a
satisfied reader. Maeve was the Queen of this
genre. There is romance and inspiration, as well
as sadness and fulfillment. We meet people we
really would love to meet; people with all the
trials and tribulations that make up human
existence. But, above all else, we finish her
books feeling good!
“A Week in Winter”
tells the story of Chicky, a young Irish woman,
who left her home in Stonybridge, Ireland to be
with her lover in New York. Betrayal follows and
after years of a solo existence, she returns
home. Working with Queenie, an elderly spinster,
she turns Queenie’s run-down mansion into a
seaside B&B. The rest of this story is a
compilation of biographies of the people who are
the backbone of the “Week in Winter”; the week
when all the characters come together for the
opening of the newly renovated Inn. People like
Rigger, the bad boy who becomes indispensible to
Chicky. Like Orla, Chicky’s niece who has tired
of London and came home to manage Chicky’s
finances. Then there’s “John” (not his real name)
who came to the B&B by accident, but stayed on
purpose. And Anders who came on purpose, and
stayed with purpose. And, of course there is Miss
Howe, probably the only person in the world who
could find nothing to enjoy at Stoneybridge, and
went home.
These and the
others who came that week to help open that
wonderful, welcoming Inn brought, with their
individuality, all that was necessary to make this
a truly rewarding read. Go ahead, read it &
Dick's Featured Review:
Ties That Bind by Phillip Morgolin
That Bind” by Phillip Margolin is the follow-up
novel to “Wild Justice”, his widely successful
novel featuring Amanda Jaffe, attorney at law. In
that story she was up against a sociopathic
doctor, Cardoni. The experience left Amanda a
psychologically damaged individual, afraid for her
sanity and her life. Now, she must pull herself
together to take on her most difficult case yet,
on that has been turned down by all the top
lawyers in town.
In December 1970 a
bloody clash of disparate individuals gave rise to
a secret alliance that was to influence even the
highest courts in the land. This alliance was
also to influence the life of Amanda Jaffe, when
she was appointed to defend the case of Jon Dupre,
upscale escort service owner (read: Pimp).
Accused of murdering a US Senator, he claims to
have proof of the existence of the secret alliance
of now powerful men, whose entry fee is …murder!
Despite Amanda’s
fears, and the threats to herself and her family,
she determines to forge ahead with a defense that
is hindered not only by the threats from outside,
but also from the violent and uncooperative
defendant. And, we find that even Amanda can
respond with violence.
A tricky ending to
this story finishes it off very nicely thank you.
I know you will…Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Review:
The Black Box by Michael Connelly
Black Box” by Michael Connelly gets off slowly for
the 1st third of the book and then gets
up and running with a good story and a smashing
ending. We can say it’s another well written
crime novel by a well recognized author.
Connelly’s Harry Bosch character is well drawn as
a tough, independent S.O.B. who fights for doing
the right thing even if it goes against the grain
of those who count, regarding his career.
Politics is not his forte.
In 1992 Los Angels
exploded into a city-wide riot that stunned the
world. A young free-lance writer named Anneka
Jaspersen flew to the city to cover the riot, and
was found dead in a dark alley, by members of the
National Guard. Harry Bosch was the investigating
officer for the LA police. Because of the unreal
violence of the riot the police could do no more
than a cursory investigation before the basic
facts were filed.
Twenty years
later, approaching the riot anniversary, Harry
gets the job of following up with an investigation
of the still open, unsolved case. He believed
every case had what he compared to an airlines
“black box”; a piece of evidence etc. that brought
a complete and final understanding of all factors
that led to a solutions. With that in mind, his
search begins. Harry goes his own way despite
obstructions from superiors who are trying to foce
him to early “Drop” retirement (see my earlier
review of “The Drop”). From LA to Kuwait, the
evidence follows the activities and purpose behind
Jespersen’s travel to LA. What was she looking
for?? Despite early missteps in direction, it
becomes clear that her death was more than just
another riot death.
Good story. It
takes a while to get down to the nitty gritty ,
but it’s worth every written word. This is
Connelly’s 25th book. As with many
good authors, he is a former newspaper reporter.
Enjoy!! |
Dick's Featured Review:
Supreme Justice by Phillip Morgolin
Justice by Phillip Margolin is a convoluted yet
fascinating tale of murder and mayhem involving
not only the Supreme Court of the United States
but also nefarious elements of the CIA, as well as
powerful, behind-the-scene influences. And, Margolin does his usual impressive job of brining
together all these disparate influences into a
very satisfying, fast-paced novel. This book is a
follow up to his best selling novel “Executive
Investigator Dana
Cutler, who was prominent in “Executive
Privilege”, has been brought in to quietly
investigate an attack on one of the Supreme Court
Justices. Apparently the attack has something to
do with an appeal before the court, submitted on
behalf of death row prisoner, Sarah Woodruff,
convicted of killing her lover John Finley.
Finley was earlier the only survivor of a massacre
aboard a ship which was loaded with illicit
drugs. After men identifying themselves to CIA
agents took over from the local police, the ship
disappeared. Things get very dangerous for Dana
as she is bringing the past to the present and tries to
determine what Finley’s death has to do with the
attack on the Justice.
Good story, but
stay alert, cause as I said it is rather
convoluted. Also watch for a surprise ending.
Love them, don’t you? (Or have I mentioned that
before?) Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Review:
Northwest Angle by William Kent Krueger
Angle" by William Kent Krueger is a great example
of the kind of exciting work done by this St. Paul
author. An extension of his NY Times
best-selling series of Cork O'Connor tales, this
one brings Cork and his family into harms way
following one of the worst storms ever to strike
Minnesota. As usual, this story starts with
an exciting premise and builds with carefully
plotted action to a very exciting conclusion.
As usual, surprise is a big part of that
A houseboat vacation with his
family goes awry when Cork and his daughter Jenny
are marooned on a small island in Lake of the
Woods. Jenny discovers a young woman who has
been tortured to death, and exposed by the storm,
a weeks-old baby who had obviously been hidden.
Keeping the baby safe is more than just a matter
of warmth and substance though, since others
are intent on taking him from Jenny, who has
pledged her life to protect the child.
An unstable brother of the
murdered woman is the first suspect in the case,
but then we find a group of "End of the World"
zealots living on the very edge of this water
world who cannot be dismissed from the suspect
pool. Oh, it does get confusing, but that's
the fun of this story.
Fun, fun, fun! Read and
Dick's Featured Review:
Wild Justice by Phillip Morgolin
Justice”, by Phillip Margolin is one of those
books that gives the reader everything that he or
she could ask for. Mystery, mayhem and madness?
Absolutely, and a story full of terror, trials and
terrific suspense. Oh heck, let’s throw in
revenge and retribution as well. Interested?
Okay, let’s start by telling you about Amanda
Jaffe, a newbie attorney working for her famous
attorney father, Frank Jaffe. And she is involved
in a headline case that can test not only her
mettle as a lawyer, but also her ethics and moral
judgment as a human being.
Vincent Cardoni, a
surgeon with both professional and personal
problems, has been arrested on suspicion of being
a serial killer. Several mutilated bodies have
been found on a property owned by Cardoni. He, of
course, claims innocence and conspiracy on the
part of his wife, or a known gangster who claims
he’s owed money by Cardoni. A trial begins, but
due to the illegal action of the investigating
police, all pertinent evidence is disqualified.
This sets Cardoni free but he is still faced with
possible future prosecution, or ever worse,
retribution by the gangster. Well, things change
for Cardoni when a scene of apparent murder turns
up one of Cardoni’s hands, but no body.
Four years pass,
and new bodies are found, and the m.o. is
similar to the original murder. Copycat? Or
has Cardoni returned? Perhaps the killer was
someone else to begin with. It is really a
twisting tale that leads Amanda into personal
A surprising, but
perhaps foreseen ending, rounds out a very good
read. Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Review:
Robert B. Parker's "Killing the Blues"
by Michael Brandman
B. Parker’s “Killing the Blues”, a Jesse Stone
novel, was written by Michael Brandman. Parker
died in January 2012. But, this situation is not
too unusual, as evidenced by some of the novels
with James Patterson’s name on them. I believe a
good job was done here. I can accept this Jesse
Stone as the man I’ve enjoyed in previous Stone
novels. He’s still a stoic, tough, yet caring
police chief. He is still a recovering alcoholic,
but he’s gotten over his ex-wife Jenn(?), so maybe
there is hope for him. He no longer has his Irish
setter dog, but has replaced it with a cat named
Mildred Memory. Yes, you read right. But,
anyway, what’s the story line?
Its tourist season
in Paradise and of course the town counsel is
after Jesse to make sure everything goes
smoothly. And, of course, everything goes in the
other direction. Violence follows a series of car
thefts and the violence ends in murder. Jesse
finds that the mob has moved in – and despite his
belief in the law – well sometimes, Jesse goes a
bit beyond the law. Enough said! While this is
going on, violence comes from another direction.
At first it’s dog killings, then it hits Jesse
close to home when one of his people is killed.
At this point it starts to look like Jesse is the
target. Is that enough? Well let’s add a 14 year
old girl who holds her school principal as hostage
threatening to kill her.
I enjoyed the
story, and I hope we will see more Jesse Stone
novels. Michael Brandman collaborated with Robert
B. Parker for years on movie projects, the Spencer
TV movies and the Jesse Stone series of TV
movies. I believe this background gave Brandman
what it took to produce a super story. Enjoy!!
Featured Review:
The Brothers by Allen D. Anderson
Brothers” by Allen D. Anderson is a fascinating,
yet disturbing story of brotherly love and family
failure. Theodore Amonovich returns from World
War II a broken man, unable to forget what he saw,
and what he did. His is now a life of terrible
anger and violence; anger at himself, and violence
towards his wife and son Peter. Twin son Andrew
is not a victim of the physical violence but a
victim never the less, of the ever present alcoholic
tirades. This is not a feel-good story but rather
a ready subject for the nature or nurture crowd.
circumstances have left Peter and Andrew, in the
fall of 1948, basically on their own, starting
their high school sophomore year at Edison High in
Minneapolis. Peter quickly becomes a football
star and Andrew his blocking back. This is
certainly a metaphor for their everyday
relationship; Peter doing what he wants, and
Andrew running interference. Peter has no respect
for authority and refuses to follow rules.
Finally their high school days end with a choice
for Peter of Juvenile Detention or the Army.
Peter joins and of course so does Andrew. Bad
timing, as the “Police Action” in Korea is
becoming all-out war. Nothing really changes for
Peter other than the venue. He goes his way and
the rest of the Army goes its way. Ah, but a
comeuppance must be coming… right? Call out that
Nature/Nurture crowd again for the ending of this
rather depressing tale. With just 2 pages left at
the tale-end however, we get a reprieve that is
also a relief.
I personally have
a surprising interest in this story because in the
fall of 1948 I was a sophomore at Edison High
School in Minneapolis. I don’t remember Peter and
Andrew however. Enjoy!
Featured Review: Stolen Prey by John Sandford
good, good; Good story line, good characters, good
suspense! What more can we look for?
But, of course, with an author like John Sandford,
all this is to be expected. In his book
"Stolen Prey" we get it all and a lot more.
As with his other "Prey" books, the main
character, Lucas Davenport is faced with "murder
most foul". But his is no Agatha Christie
murder scenario, this is a story of horrific
butchery and terrible torture. Not for the
weak of heart.
We start out on a milder note
when Lucas is assaulted at an ATM machine and ends
up with a broken wrist. This becomes a
running side-story throughout the book. But
the real story starts with the discovery of an
entire family, including the family dogs, who have
all been tortured and savagely murdered. The
appearance of the scene brings to mind the work of
the drug cartels in Mexico and South America.
And, indeed, we soon find a representative Federale and his assistant from Mexico, together
with DEA agents competing for a piece of the
We find that a small group of
bank programmers have inadvertently been stealing
from an account used to launder drug money.
The cartel wants their money back. More
murder and torture ensues when the small group of
killers seeks out the thieves. I've said
before that I love surprises and the story has a
beaut. And, it's not at the end of the
story, but right in the middle. Oh Joy!!
The book is a great read, with
a lot of action. And, depending on your
definition of justice, we can consider the ending
to be pretty satisfying. Enjoy!!
Featured Review: The Drop by Michael
Connelly's book "The Drop" is yet another
opportunity for showing off the investigative
talents of a favorite of mine, "Dirty Harry"
Bosch. We've met him in previous stories,
and he is still the same strong-willed,
intelligent law man he's always been. Now,
however, he's hoping to just hang in there and
avoid an early "Drop" - the Deferred Retirement
Option Plan. With "Drop" just 3 years away,
Harry wants to get as many cases resolved in that
time as possible. And in one day he gets two
tough ones.
The first case involves a 20
year old rape case that has DNA evidence that
matches a twenty-nine year old convicted rapist.
Harry needs to determine whether the crime lab has
erred, or how an eight year old boy was involved
in the 1989 rape. As this case unfolds it
becomes apparent that the city has had a serial
killer in its midst for over 20 years.
Add to that puzzling case, a
possible career-ending case with major political
consequences, and maybe Harry will be out of a job
well before the 3 year "Drop" period. This
second case involves a councilman's son who is
found dead in circumstances that could mean
suicide, accident, or even murder. Harry and
the councilman have a long and acrimonious
history, yet the councilman demands that Harry
alone should investigate his son's death.
Despite political interference
and betrayal by "friends", Harry investigates his
way; full-speed ahead and damn the torpedoes.
I really enjoy the way Connelly lays out the plot
and takes us step by step to the conclusion.
It is like a blueprint for crime solving.
This is another page-turner by a truly talented
author. Enjoy!!
Dick's Featured Review:
The Fifth Witness by
Michael Connelly
Fifth Witness by Michael Connelly finds criminal
defense attorney extraordinaire, Mickey Haller,
doing foreclosure defense in a shrinking criminal
defense market. It maybe a come-down for
him, but with little hope for doing what he does
best, the work pays the bills. But then one
of his clients is accused of killing a banker she
blames for foreclosing on her home. Mickey
is back in the criminal defense business!
This story could be taken right from current
headlines. Foreclosure of millions of homes
has been in the media for a long time now.
Peoples' reaction to having their home taken from
them has caused protests around the world.
Lisa Trammel is accused of going too far with her
protest. And there seems to be plenty of
evidence against her. Despite this, and
Mickey's own suspicion of her guilt, the defense
team digs in.
Basing their defense on the idea of "SEDI"
(someone else did it), Haller's people find the
deceased had been involved in unlawful financial
dealings involving millions of dollars.
Interference from outside sources, and a savage
beating fail to deter Mickey & his team. The
courtroom battle that ensues is one filled with
tit for tat. Surprise turns and revelations
during the trial are just a build-up for the
surprise filled ending of this story.
Fascinating story and a good read! Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Review:
Prime Witness by Steve Marini
this novel "Prime Witness", Steve Martini takes us
on a suspenseful trip in search of truth. And,
indeed, truth can be elusive. With curves, lies
and miscues, the story brings together a top notch
detective story and whip-saw courtroom dramas.
The characters are well-defined and the
protagonist lawyer, Paul Madriani, is shown in all
of his own humanity; brilliant, but flawed, with
all the problems and missteps that we all face in
everyday life.
Defense attorney Madriani has taken on the job of
special prosecutor to find the so-called "Putah
Creek Killer". The killer has murdered two
couples within a few days. Shortly after Madriani
starts investigating, another couple is found
murdered with somewhat the same M.O. To add to
his troubles, he has 2 unhappy, unhelpful, judges
giving him a tough time, as well as a deputy DA
who resents Madriani's authority. Enough?? Not
quite, as he finds that the suspects defense
attorney is a once-disbarred lawyer who is an
avowed enemy. And that suspect, a campus security
guard, is brought to trial, for murdering the
first 2 couples. Madriani's strategy is to keep
the later couple separate as he is convinced that
there is a second killer. And so the struggle
Surprises, miscues and downright carelessness
plague the prosecution as Madriani attempts to
convict the murderer he has, while trying to
identify yet another killer. You know I love a
surprise ending, and this one has a lulu.
Dick's Featured Review:
The Litigators by John
Litigators" by John Grisham is definitely up to
par with all of his other wonderful law novels.
Great characters, a super plot, and as always, a
critical look at the legal system, make for a very
interesting read. Add to that, a very humorous
look at the "human condition", and we have an even
more enjoyable read.
Dave Zinc has had it with same
old, same old at his prestigious law firm. Five
years of drudgery & boredom cannot be compensated
with money. The last straw has been placed and he
cracks. After a long, alcohol filled night, Dave
finds himself at the door of a small "boutique"
law firm (the word actually meaning a two-bit,
ambulance chasing outfit). Oscar Finley and Wally
Figg have scraped along on quickie divorces and
DUI cases for over 20 years, with never enough
coming their way to ever be able to say they were
successful. Even so, burned out Dave finds that a
job with the pair is just what he wants, and so
begins a very spirited and humorous association.
The "Big One" is what Wally has
always been on the look-out for and he feels that
Mass Tort Litigation is the way to go. And, such
an opportunity comes their way when a large drug
firm is being sued for causing deaths with one of
their drugs. They join the suit, and thus we have
the start of the beginning, and the end. Am I being
a bit vague? Well, what the heck, read it, you
will enjoy!!
Treasure Hunt by John
Hunt" by John Lescroart reintroduces us to
characters we met in his book "The Hunt Club".
Mickey Dade and Wyatt Hunt are attempting to get
their private investigation business back on the
road after unfortunate circumstances brought the
business to a halt. Mickey gets things back
on track by finding the body of charity big shot,
Dominic Como. With this, we are introduced
to San Francisco society and the big money
business of charity giving...and receiving!!
"The Hunt
Club" is hired by Como's wife and business
associates to find by whom & why the murder was
committed. Power and big money are the major
parts of the charity business and protecting both
is definitely part of the problem faced by the
club in solving this case. The suspects, all
of whom have a vested interest in keeping the
charities they represent from receiving bad
publicity, had reason and opportunity to kill
Como. Then there is another murder, and
someone close to the team goes missing. Add
to this mix, a beautiful suspect who has
apparently stolen MIckey's heart, and we have the
makings for a very interesting and convoluted
Lescroat is a New York Times best selling author,
having written 20 previous novels. He is
indeed a gifted author, well worth reading.
Dick's Featured Review --
Louis L'Amour the author
a change of pace I am not going to review a
particular book this time, but rather, will
discuss the author Louis L’Amour and his prolific
literary endeavors. More than 100 books in print
and over 270 million copies of his books in
circulation world wide is indeed prolific. And, I
should add that more than 45 of his novels and
stories have been made into feature films and TV
movies. From the solo performance of John Wayne
in “Hondo”, (L’Amour’s first novel) to the
all-star cast that populated the epic tale of “How
The West Was Won”, Hollywood recognized the
popular appeal of L’Amour’s classic tales.
Leaving his home
in Jamestown, North Dakota when he was just 15,
Louis began an odyssey of discovery that helped to
prepare him for his writing career. He worked as
a seaman, lumberjack, cattle skinner and miner, as
well as a boxer, a journalist and lecturer. As a
professional boxer he won fifty-one out of
fifty-nine fights. Over the years, he developed a
large following for his stories written for
popular magazines. His first full-length novel,
“Hondo”, was written in 1953. And so it began.
His books and stories have been translated into
twenty languages.
I have read all
of his novels at least once, so I consider myself
a die-hard fan of L’Amour’s work. As such I would
urge anyone with the slightest bit of interest in
the western genre to give him a try. My favorites
among all his books are the 17 novels written
about the fictional Sackett clan. Starting with
the clan founder in 17th Century
England (“Sackett's Land”) the saga follows the
Sacketts into the late 1800’s. A couple of these
novels have been made into movies.
In 1983 Louis
L’Amour became the first novelist to be awarded
the Congressional Gold Medal by the United States
Congress in honor of his life’s work. His memoir,
“Education of a Wandering Man” was a best seller.
He died on June 10, 1988, having left behind
several unpublished works that have since graced
bookshelves around the world. Try him & ENJOY!
Dick's Featured Book Review
-- Step On A
Crack - James Patterson
His wife has terminal cancer, and he has TEN adopted kids who need his attention. Does Detective Michael Bennett of the NYPD really need more on his plate at this time? Well, he's got it, in the form of the biggest case he's ever been involved in!
Dozens of America's wealthiest and most influential people have been taken hostage in St. Patrick's Cathedral...and we find out quickly that the hostage-takers don't hesitate at murder to get what they want.
After days of negotiation without results. An agreement is finally reached and ransoms are paid. Despite armies of police and FBI, and with helicopters flying around overhead, the hostage-takers get away!
But this ending is just another beginning...
A sudden, rather unsatisfying wrap-up of the whole story does detract somewhat from the appreciation of this novel, but overall I recommend it as an exciting read.
James Patterson, in collaboration with Michael Ledwidge, author of "Before The Devil Knows You're Dead," has created a detective in the person of Michael Bennett that I will be happy to see again!
Dick's Featured Book Review --
Threat - William Bernhardt
Even after more than a dozen novels, featuring Attorney
Ben Kincaid, William Bernhardt has still presented us
with a fresh new look at this Oklahoma
attorney turned
U.S. Senator.
Ben has been made interim U.S. Senator when the elected
senator from Oklahoma went home in disgrace. Now,
despite being the newest "boy on the block," Ben has
been asked to advise the next Supreme Court nominee
his confirmation hearings. Only one problem; at the
announcement of nomination,
the judge "outed" himself on
national TV...and if that's not enough, at the nominee's
first photo op, a murdered woman is found in the judge's
back yard. Ben has his work cut out
for him!
Ben's investigator, Loving, has his own problems
investigating the woman's death.
Beaten from pillar to
post, stabbed & choked into unconsciousness, he
does his usual sterling job.
Murder, prejudice, and dirty politics keep this novel
moving at a fast pace. As usual, plot twists are a big
part of a "whiz-bang" wrap-up
of this political thriller.
William Bernhardt was himself a trial attorney. He is
the author of many novels including "Blind Justice,"
"Cruel Justice," and "Capitol Murder." He has twice won
the Oklahoma Book Award for Best Fiction.
Dick's Featured Book Review -
Cross - James

Alex Cross is back in James Patterson's novel "Cross." At the urging of his family, psychologist Alex has left the FBI and started a private practice.
He does have the best of intentions, but for the activities of a paid assassin who spends his free time as a vicious serial rapist. Alex's friend and former police partner asks for his help to use his psychology/profiling expertise
to get victims to reveal what they have been threatened
to keep secret. He agrees to assist and that
brings Alex face-to-face with a connection to the unsolved murder of his wife years earlier.
This novel is not for the faint of heart because the
rapist/murderer, known as "The Butcher"
is not a nice
guy. Vicious, heartless, and completely without
pity, this killer uses a meat
saw and scalpel to satisfy
his bloodlust. So be warned!
Once again, Patterson proves he's one of the best at the
detective genre. A great plot and "can't lay it
down" progression make this a killer of a book.
It's a quick read with Patterson's usual 3 page chapters
and compact writing style. In my opinion, it's a
Dick's Featured Book
Review --
Thunder Bay - William Kent Krueger
A St. Paul resident for the past 20 years, William Kent
Krueger has written
yet another stunning story featuring
one of my favorite characters, Cork
O'Connor. This is number 7 in this fascinating series
of action packed mysteries.
In this one, Cork has left his job as Sheriff in his
hometown in Northern Minnesota and has set up business
as a private investigator. His first job involves his
old friend and mentor, Henry Meloux, the Ojibwe Medicine
In his 90s now, a vision has brought Henry to the belief
that he has a son, fathered
decades ago who needs his
help. Cork pledges himself to finding the son and thus
begins this tale of lost love, resentment, revenge, and
Cork's investigation points to a wealthy
industrialist living in Thunder Bay, Ontario. But
getting to see the great man leads to a murder attempt
on Henry. The story behind
Henry's long-ago lost love
is one of greed and gold. Cork must hurry to find who
and what are
behind the efforts to stop further investigation,
because not only is Henry in danger, but his own life is
also on the line.
Side stories of friends and family round out a
really good story! Krueger has a real talent
for weaving family and friends into an otherwise
straightforward mystery. His first book,
"Iron Lake" won the 1998 Anthony Award for Best First
Novel. He was also the winner of
the 2004 Anthony Award for Best Novel for "Blood Hollow"
and also the same award for
his 2005 book, "Mercy
Featured Book Review --
Dakota Born -
Debbie Macomber
for an escape from a dying romance, Lindsay Snyder
travels to North Dakota for a visit to a dying town.
Buffalo Valley, North Dakota is indeed on
the verge of extinction. Boarded-up stores and
run-down houses are
of the degree of dissolution that has taken place in
this farming community.
Long-ago memories of childhood visits to her
grandparents home in this small town convince Lindsay to
accept the vacant position of high school teacher
(graduating class of 4.) New to the town, and new
to teaching, she is nevertheless the cohesive force this
small town needs to live again. Pulling her life
together goes hand in
hand with pulling the people of this small town together
in a defiant effort to bring this town back from the
New love enters Lindsay's life in the person of Gage
Sinclair, a strong-willed, hard working farmer.
From their very first meeting, both feel the strong,
passionate connection that
leads to wonderment and confusion. Gage's
passionate feeling for Lindsay are at odds
with his feeling that she, as a "big city girl," is an
outsider who could never accept his way
of life. His reaction to every meeting with her is
a hilarious combination of deep need and love, and fear
and indecision.
This is a wonderful story of relationships and
discovery, and the day-to-day struggles of a small town
to survive. Fortunately this is only the first of
three books given over to the tale
of this small town, and the human spirit that keeps it
Debbie Macomber is a multiple award winner, one of which
was the 2005 Quill Award for
the Best Romance. There are over 60 million copies
of her books in print.
Dick's Featured Book
Review --
Phantom Prey - John Sandford
Sandford has written a very special tale of malice,
mystery, and murder. "Phantom Prey" is a
fascinating story that will hold your interest to the
very last sentence. It's a tale that is heavy with
deceit, deception, and delusion. This is
eighteenth novel in the "Prey" series, and once again we
are treated to the talents of detective Lucas Davenport.
Lucas has been convinced by his wife, Weather, to
investigate the disappearance of a widowed friend's
daughter. The girl has been running with a
questionable group who have an unhealthy attraction to
death. One after another, several members of this
group are murdered in a horrible manner. After the
second murder, Lucas sets aside his early reluctance and
gets the investigation going in earnest.
Apparently this active interest frightens someone, for
Lucas is shot in an alley and is seriously wounded.
The usual suspects in this tale are a large step above
the usual "usual suspects." This is
the aspect of
this story that puts it in a category by itself.
You will have to read the book to know what I mean!
But, I will guarantee that the time will be well spent.
John Sandford is a very talented, prolific author from
Minnesota. |
Dick's Featured Book Review --
Red Knife -
William Kent Krueger
Kent Krueger's latest novel, "Red Knife" is another Cork
O'Conner tale giving as yet another exciting case, this
time involving a racial gang war on the Ojibwe
Reservation in Northern Minnesota. Half Ojibwe and
half white, Private Eye O'Conner is caught in the middle
of this bloody confrontation. A
confrontation that
threatens to destroy lives as well as relationships.
A powerful, vindictive businessman vows revenge for the
drug death of his daughter. He blames the Red Boyz,
a gang of Ojibwe youths accused of supplying the
drugs. The head of their gang and his wife are
murdered. This sets the stage for
the terrible
violence that follows. It's war, white against
Cork is hired to get at the truth behind the murders.
As a former sheriff in the county, both sides approve of
Cork's mission. Violence is soon met with more
violence, and a pattern
is set that leads Cork to
believe that sometimes violence is the only
response to evil.
Believe me, this tale is bloody
and violent, with an ending that is right out of the
recent newspaper headlines.
William Kent Krueger is a St. Paul, Minnesota resident
and has written seven other Cork O'Conner novels and all
have been well received. This one too, is a
Featured Book Review --
The Shop On Blossom Street - Debbie Macomber
Shop On Blossom Street" by Debbie Macomber is
another great read by an author who specializes in
feel-good stories. This one brings us four
disparate individuals who are brought together by
a growing interest in the
old craft of knitting.
Each of the four has her own unique story and her
set of interests, desires, and problems. But
in the end they find their commonality of interest
in knitting bringing them closer to happiness in
their private lives.
Lydia Hoffman, living with the
constant fear of yet another recurrence of cancer,
opened a yarn shop on Blossom Street. A
beginner's knitting class brings her three
who have only their interest in this class in
common. Jacqueline Donovan is a
bitter, snobbish,
society matron who has joined the "How To Make A
Baby Blanket" class
to make something for her
expected grandchild, despite her excessive
aversion to her daughter-in-law. Carol Girard,
whose life has been driven by a terrible obsession
giving birth, feels this class is a sign that
her last attempt at conception will be
successful. And finally, Alex Townsend, a young
woman with a rather checkered past, who has joined
the group to pay a court-ordered debt to society.
Each of these women find their daily lives
becoming more and more entwined with each other.
Friendship begets friendship. This story is one
of hope and discovery. And, as
with Macomber's
"Dakota" series, this book is followed by two more
books that carry on the story: "A Good Yarn" and
"Back On Blossom Street." Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Book Review --
Famous Crimes - Stories of Law & Order in
Minnesota - Sheri O'Meara & Merle Minda
"Famous Crimes -- Stories of
Law & Order in Minnesota" by Sheri O'Meara and
Merle Minda is an interesting compilation of
criminal events that were
front page news in Minnesota over the past many
decades. Rare photos
and interviews with victims and eyewitnesses add
substance to the newspaper accounts that
brought public awareness of the events.
"Of all the Midwest Cities, the one I knew best
was St. Paul, and it was a crook's
Every criminal of any importance in the 1930s made his
home at one time or another in St. Paul." So
said Alvin "Creepy" Karpis, a public enemy
#1 in
that time period. St. Paul played host to
them all -- John Dillinger, Alvin Karpis, Ma
Barker, Baby Face Nelson, and others who made the
headlines across the country.
Chapter 1 of
this book is a synopsis of the history of crime
and criminals in Minnesota
from the early 1900s to
the present day with a fascinating account of a
long-time police
chief who welcomed criminals to
St. Paul, as long as they committed no crimes
the city limits. His wife ran a local
The bulk of this book is dedicated to famous
headline cases such as the murder of
Thompson, and subsequent conviction of her
husband, T. Eugene Thompson,
and the kidnapping of
Virginia Piper.
The book is just one of the "Minnesota Series"
which includes "Storms," "Music
Legends," "Media
Tales," and "Storms 2." New titles will be
published about every
4 months.
Featured Book Review --
Lightning - John Sandford
"Heat Lightning" by John Sandford, we meet up once
again with Virgil Flowers of the Minnesota Bureau
of Criminal Apprehension, who was introduced in
"Dark Of The Moon." He is still an interesting
character with
his very own idiosyncrasies. As
Lucas Davenport's protege, he also has plenty of
potential power to back him up. In this case,
Flowers needs all
the power he can muster to find
the killers of several men whose history together
goes back to the Vietnam War period.
It all begins with the discovery of a body at a
Vietnam Memorial in Stillwater. A week
before a
body was found in New Ulm, also at a Vietnam
Memorial. Both men had been
shot twice in the
head and each had a lemon in his mouth. It is a
convoluted story
involving Indians, Vietnamese,
Chinese, the CIA, FBI, and all the other alphabet
agencies. But Virgil persists because as he
states, "These things have a rhythm, you
something going -- it's like a plot in a novel.
You start out with an incident, a killing,
then there are millions of possibilities, and you
start eliminating the possibilities.
Pretty soon,
you can see the line of the story and you can feel
the climax coming." And believe me, the climax to
this story is a pip!
Another good read by a really talented writer.
And, of course, he lives in Minnesota.
Featured Book Review --
Country - James Patterson

"Cross Country" is one of the
most horrific tales James Patterson has written to
date. From cover to cover it is a story of
brutality and butchery. Detective Alex Cross has
a very personal connection to the story where he
finds a friend and her family slaughtered in their
D.C. home. This killing is so barbaric that Alex
vows to bring this killer to justice no matter
where the trail takes him.
And the trail takes Alex to Africa when he
discovers that the killer, known as The Tiger, has
taken a gang of teenage killers to Nigeria. Alex
soon discovers a world far more horrible than he
had ever experienced before. This is a world
where injustice and death are not unusual, but
expected. Threats to his life and physical
violence become daily occurrences as he seeks out
The Tiger. Aided by an old man and a beautiful
journalist, Alex tenaciously sticks to the trail.
But uncooperative officials and a threatened civil
war force Alex back home, only to find that The
Tiger is hunting him and his family!
A good story, but one of excessive violence and
barbarity in my opinion. And, of course, I must
comment once again on Patterson's unusual style of
putting 158 chapters in 406 pages. But, enjoy!
Dick's Featured
Book Review --
The Escape
- Robert Tanenbaum
Escape" by Robert Tanenbaum is another well
written, suspenseful novel starring Butch Karp and
his wife, Marlene Ciampi. This is a
fast-moving tale of taking us from courtrooms to
back alleys and from a cool, collected legal
process to fierce, bloodletting terror, while
seemingly worlds apart, both situations have much
in common.
Karp, a District Attorney for New York, is
prosecuting Jessica Campbell, a college professor
who killed her three children - claiming that "God
told her to send them to Him to save them from
Satan." While Jessica's lawyer wants the
jury to believe she was unaware of what she was
doing and was influenced by hallucinations, Karp
must prove that legally she was aware of
the nature and consequences of her actions.
While Karp is fighting his battle in the
courtroom, a terrorist called "The Sheik" is
planning a massive attack on Wall Street, hoping
to destroy the economy of the United States and
the world. With the help of a disparate
group of "irregulars," Marlene Ciampi and her
daughter Lucy, fight against time and an organized
group of terrorists in an effort to stop The
Sheik's plan.
Tanenbaum writes fast-paced, action-packed novels
that are thought provoking and "present day."
He is a respected and successful trial lawyer and
has also been Homicide Bureau Chief for the New
York District Attorney's Office. He has
written eighteen best-selling novels. Well
worth reading! Enjoy! |
Featured Book Review --
Stranger In Paradise - Robert B. Parker
Stone, police chief in Paradise, Massachusetts, is
back again in Robert B. Parker's fast action novel
"Stranger In Paradise." He still has his
problems with alcohol and women, particularly his
ex-wife, Jenn. Now his problems are
multiplied by once again facing off with Wilson
"Crow" Cromartie, the Apache killer who escaped
ten years before, after pulling off the biggest
robbery in Paradise history.
Crow approaches Jesse to ask that he stay out of
Crow's way until he completes another job.
This time it involves finding a young girl, Amber
Francisco, and returning her to her father, Louis.
Why would Jesse do this? He finds that lack
of evidence of murder in their first meeting, and
the statutes of limitation on lesser charges make
prosecution questionable. He agrees to stay
out of the way, but he vows to watch and wait in
hopes of putting together a case against Crow.
The apparently simple job turns sour when Amber's
father orders Crow to kill Amber's mother after
both are found. Crow does not kill
women!! As a result, Jesse is called upon to
provide for Amber's safety while Crow attempts to
resolve a dilemma that soon involves a murderous
Latino gang, who are willing to kill women, and
mobster Louis' people who are willing to kill
A good story that is enhanced by the fascinating
relationship between Jesse and his ex-wife.
A quick read, well worth a few hours of your time.
Dick's Featured Book Review -- Wicked Prey - John
Prey" by John Sandford is yet another fascinating
story by one of my favorite authors. His
characters are real, with all the faults and
failings that that entails. The story is
up-to-date, and what I particularly enjoy, is that
the locale is familiar - the Twin Cities of
Minneapolis & St. Paul. The Republican
National Convention is the draw for all the action
in this tale. Money is the catalyst that
binds the characters together. LOTS of
A crew of professional stick-up
artists, with a penchant for violence, has been
drawn to the Twin Cities by all that money.
Political money men with large amounts of cash,
and hotels with vaults stuffed with Conventioners'
valuables are the targets. As if this is not
enough, Lucas Davenport finds that something much
more personal will demand his attention.
A psychotic pimp in a wheelchair, who feels Lucas
is the source of all his misery, wants revenge.
But, just killing Lucas is not enough, he wants
him to suffer first. So he has targeted
Lucas' fourteen year old adopted daughter, Letty.
Little does the pimp know how much trouble that
decision will cost him.
Full of down to earth dialogue, great characters,
plenty of suspense and plot twists, "Wicked Prey"
is Sandford at his best.
John Sandford has written nineteen "Prey" novels,
as well as eight other books. |
Featured Book Review -
Monkeewrench -
P.J. Tracy
fascinating tale with a very unique premise, makes
"Monkeewrench" a highly readable first novel by
P.J. Tracy. A well thought out plot with
unexpected twists kept this reader on edge.
Some great characters with entertaining
personalities add a surprising level of humor to
the story. As with tales by John Sandford,
this story is set in Minneapolis.
Grace McBride and her four gamer partners have
come up with a real computer game winner.
Unfortunately, 2 murders have occurred that
exactly mimic the scenarios in their new game.
With 18 more possible murders outlined in their
game, it soon becomes imperative that they notify
the police, even though they fear that such action
will bring to light a past that they had hoped
would never be revealed.
There are several back stories and sub-plots
to this tale that keep the readers on their toes.
Nothing is certain, as the story twists and turns
to a very surprising ending. I found this to
be a very fun, surprising, and suspenseful novel.
Well worth a couple of evenings of enjoyable
This is the first novel by the mother and daughter
writing team of P.J. and Traci Lambrecht, using
the pseudonym, P.J. Tracy. Enjoy!!
Dick's Featured Book
Review -
Rough Country - John Sandford
"Rough Country" by John Sandford, we are once
again given a super tale of murder, mystery, and
Virgil Flowers. Virgil is his usual brilliant
self, with great instincts and the ability to draw
people out. And, with 3 (or more?) ex wives,
Virgil still has a way with the ladies, even those
with "alternate" sexual inclinations. Sandford
brings all of his talents to bear and gives us
another suspenseful, well-plotted, action-packed
tale that makes for a wonderful read.
Lucas Davenport, head of the Minnesota Bureau of
Criminal Apprehension has pulled Virgil away from
a long-awaited fishing tournament in Northern
Minnesota to investigate the murder of a woman at
a nearby resort. The resort has, over time,
become known as a place for women with "alternate"
lifestyles. This may complicate things fro
Virgil, but it certainly doesn't stop him from
discovering the connections between the resort,
its clients, and the victim. Soon he discovers
that a murder in Iowa two years earlier may
actually be tied to the current one...and other
murders may well soon follow.
A talented country singer and an obsessed father
with a mysterious son are just a couple of the
characters that people this story of lust,
jealousy, and greed. It is the brilliant way
Sandford brings all these characters and
attributed together in a flowing stream of
wonderful prose that makes Sandford the number one
author that he is. Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Book
Review -
Heaven's Keep - William Kent Krueger
Keep" by William Kent Krueger is a winner! A
fast paced story with everything one could ask for
in a mystery story. It is another Cork
O'Connor tale that will keep you fascinated to the
very last page. This time, the story is a
very personal one that involves the disappearance
of Cork's wife, Jo. All signs are that Jo is
dead, lost when a chartered plane she was on came
up missing during a flight to Wyoming. But,
is she dead?
Six months after the disappearance, and the
resulting futile massive search, Cork received
information that indicates things were not as they
appeared at the time. The pilot may not have
been who he claimed to be. Though not much
to go on, as they say, "hope springs eternal," and
hope is what Cork needed to find. With the
new information, Corks starts an investigation
that begins in Wyoming on the northern Arapaho
Indian Reservation.
With the help of friends, but with the
interference of local authorities, Cork faces not
only the hostility of the Indian community, which
has its personal concerns, but also several
assassination attempts. Of course, big money
plays a significant part in this mystery.
Greed runs deep in the core of all that happens.
But Cork's motivation never waivers; the slim, but
real hope that despite all odds, the end of the
trail will find his Jo alive.
With eight previous Cork O'Connor books, William
Kent Krueger has given us yet another winner!
He is another award winning author from Minnesota,
who lives in St. Paul. Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Book
Review -
Scarpetta - Patricia Cornwell
by Patricia Cornwell is another well-written,
well-charactered novel by an author I had not read
in a long time. Why is that?? The
books I read years ago were very good, interesting
books that left me with good feelings about the
author and the novel. I just went in other
directions with my reading? I don't know,
but I realize now that I have missed a lot of good
reading. I bring this up because while
reading this novel, I recognized that I have
missed of lot of character history. It took
me well into the book before I could really get a
handle on much of the relationships and
motivations of the family of characters. To
me these things are very important to the
appreciation of the story. Well, enough of
my wanderings, just let it be said that I shall
keep better track of Scarpetta and her family of
characters in the future.
In this book, Kay Scarpetta has left her private
forensic pathology practice in South Carolina to
answer a request to use her skills in New York
City. A woman has been savagely slain and an
injured man is being held in a psychiatric ward at
Bellevue Hospital. He tells Kay a fantastic
story of being followed and spied upon by some
unknown person, or persons. His injuries, he
claims, were made again, by an unknown assailant
or assailants at the murder site. His
paranoid tale gets more and more fantastic.
Is there any truth in what he says, or is it just
an inept cover-up for murder? Scarpetta
becomes more closely tied to this case when it is
revealed that the murdered woman has been involved
with an underground internet gossip column that
has been used to assassinate Scarpetta's character
and reputation...and more murders follow.
This tale of murder, paranoia, and deception
follows a twisted trail that ends with enough
twists to satisfy even the most jaded mystery fan.
I did feel a bit overwhelmed by the vast amount of
technical information that's thrown at us
throughout the story, but what the heck, it's
still a stellar Scarpetta story! Enjoy!
Featured Book Review -
A Thousand
Bones - P.J. Parrish
Thousand Bones" by P.J. Parrish is a stunning,
suspenseful thriller that leaves one exhausted,
yet ready for more. This is my first read of P.J.
Parrish and I shall definitely read others! This
one starts slowly and builds nicely with plenty of
suspense and shock. It leaves you with the
ethical question, how far can one go in making sure
that a rabid killer will kill no more?
Joe Frye, Miami P.D.'s only female detective is
haunted by this question as she looks back to when
she was a rookie cop in a small town in Michigan
called Echo Bay. It all started with a couple of
boys finding a human bone while tramping through
the woods. Soon more bones are found, along with
small carvings, identified as Ojibwa moon signs.
Ancient Ojibwa legends of forest dwelling beasts
who eat their victims are brought forward, but
it's soon realized the person doing the killing is
a human beast...more fearsome than anything
else. As more and more bones are discovered, more
and more pieces of evidence are found that finally
lead to a suspect. A tragic encounter in the
woods leaves the small, local law enforcement
agency decimated, and leaves Joe Frye badly
injured -- and so goes the story. This is well
written and well worth a couple of evenings of
good reading. The story lets the reader decide
the ethics of the ending.
P.J. Parrish is another collaborative pseudonym
for two sisters, Kristy Moutec and Kelly Nichols.
Dick's Featured
Book Review -
Scarecrow - Michael Connelly
"The Scarecrow" by Michael Connelly, we once again
meet journalist and crime writer, Jack McEvoy.
Jack was the protagonist in Connelly's earlier
novel, "The Poet." Despite being the golden
boy for several years because of his actions in
bringing The Poet to justice and his award winning
book which chronicled the story, Jack is now
learning that fame can be fleeting. He is
about to join the ranks of the unemployed, as his
paper, The Los Angeles Times, is downsizing and he
is one of the targets. Despite the usual
practice of immediately removing the chosen
subject of removing the chosen subject from the
premises, Jack has been given 2 weeks notice and
he has decided to make full use of that time to
come up with the quintessential murder story.
Jack decides to center his investigation of a
young, confessed killer on the societal influences
and indifference that were the basis for his
action. But Jack soon discovers that the
confession was no confession at all, and he finds
evidence that an earlier killing in Las Vegas has
all the trademarks of the recent murder.
It's almost as if someone had very explicit
requirements for the victims.
Slowly Jack becomes aware that someone knows his
every move. And, indeed, this "someone" is
well aware of any move against him.
This is The Scarecrow, who is in a position to
monitor movements and activities of almost anyone
he wishes, and God help anyone who crosses him!
And now that he's on to Jack's investigation, bad
things begin to happen to Jack.
With the help of FBI agent, and former lover,
Rachel Walling, Jack seeks out the mysterious
Scarecrow. Murder follows murder, and the
ending, though horrific, is certainly appropriate.
Michael Connelly has written a number of #1 best
sellers, including "The Brass Verdict" and "The
Lincoln Lawyer." I particularly like his
series of Harry Bosch novels. Connelly is a
former journalist himself. As an aside, his
Harry Bosch character is the inspiration for
"Dirty Harry" of movie fame. Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Book Review
- Deadly
Night - Heather Graham
Graham's novel "Deadly Night" is the first of a
trilogy of stories featuring the Flynn brothers;
three brothers, each with law enforcement
backgrounds, who now run a private detective
agency. Now, throw in a young woman who has
visions and sees the dead, and we have a chilling
tale that includes not only ghosts, but a serial
killer who preys on young women.
The Flynn brothers have inherited a southern
plantation complete with Manor House, slave
quarters, and ghosts. Yes, this place is
haunted by a "Woman in White" who is thought to be
part of the plantation's dark history.
Eldest brother, Aidan, finds human bones on the
property and begins an investigation that soon
leads to the startling conclusion that a serial
killer may have been doing his heinous work in the
area for a long time. Kendall Montgomery,
who had been caring for the previous owner, joins
Aidan in his search and both find themselves in
Aidan may not, at first, believe in ghosts, but
Kendall has long had experiences that make her a
firm believer in the supernatural. She is
convinced that the plantation's dark past is
pushing them toward a solution to the horrific
doings in the present. All comes together in
a chilling conclusion in a dark, dank mausoleum in
the Flynn family cemetery.
Heather Graham has written more than one hundred
novels, and this one is a winner! Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Book Review -
Cross's Trial - James Patterson
Cross's Trial" is yet another novel by James
Patterson, this one in collaboration with Richard
Dilallo (his first.) I find myself unable not to
comment on the number and frequency of novels
written by James Patterson in collaboration with
many other writers. Certainly makes it appear to
be a very prolific situation. Oh well, perhaps,
this is really just a very novel situation (pun
intended!) In this story, Alex Cross's ancestors
play major roles. We are taken back to the early
20th century and brought face to face with the
horrific acts brought about by rampant racial
President Theodore Roosevelt has chosen
tough-minded Washington lawyer, Ben Corbett, to
take on a dangerous task back in his own hometown
of Eudora, Mississippi, which is also home to a
terrifying, hate-filled Ku Klux Klan. Ben is sent
to investigate rumors of lynchings in the black
quarter of Eudora. His contacts in the area are
Alex Cross's great uncle, Abraham Cross, and his
daughter, Moody. Survival has become a challenge
for both of them and their assistance becomes
invaluable to Ben, who soon finds himself in a
personal battle for survival. After terrible
losses to both sides in this reign of terror,
three of the Klansmen are brought to trial and we
find that the battle against terrorism has just
Interesting story, with interesting characters
makes for a good evening of reading. Enjoy! |
Featured Book Review:
9 Dragons -
Michael Connelly

If you have read Michael Connelly before, you have
probably enjoyed Harry Bosch, his main man, in
numerous earlier books. Harry is back again
in "9 Dragons", and he is still the hard-driving,
violent, sometimes vicious, upholder of the law
that he has shown himself to be in the past.
But, hang on to your hats, because Harry's
daughter has been kidnapped, and not even the law
can get in the way of Harry's efforts to get her
back. Violence becomes rampant as Harry
follows tenaciously a trail of blood leading to
his daughter's kidnappers.
It all starts when John Li, a
small liquor store owner, know to Harry for years,
is murdered. Harry brings in the Asian gang
unit to assist in understanding not only the
language of the area, but the influences facing
the small business owners by the Hong Kong Triad,
a murderous crime ring that holds lethal sway over
local immigrants. But their threat is not
just local, as Harry is contacted and informed
that his daughter is in their hands, in Hong Kong,
and he must stop his investigation or she will be
killed. With time running out Harry travels
to a place in Hong Kong known as 9 Dragons, and in
a desperate, kill or be killed effort, Harry
drives the search into the Triad's territory.
This is a super tale with
plenty of twists, plenty of excitement, a bit too
much violence, but a real surprise ending worthy
of a great story. I think you will enjoy!
Dick's Featured Book Review:
A Plague of Secrets
by John Lescroart
Yet another brilliant courtroom thriller by one of
the very best at the genre. Precise and
compelling prose that offers us the dark side of
law and order. A Plague of Secrets by John
Lescroart exposes us to the reality of political
influence and unethical behavior. It is a
fascinating tale of multiple murder which is
resolved only after laying open the many lies and
secrets that hide the truth.
Dylan Vogler, manager of a
popular coffee house in San Francisco is killed
behind his shop. The knapsack he is carrying
contains a large amount of quality marijuana.
It appears that coffee may not have been the only
thing that brought San Francisco's elite to the
coffee shop.
Maya Townshend, the actual
owner of the coffee shop comes under suspicion in
this murder when yet another past acquaintance of
hers is also found murdered soon after. None
but the very best will do to defend the niece of
the mayor, so Dismas Hardy is called in for the
job. It soon becomes clear to Dismas that
Maya is hiding information critical to her
defense. It's obvious she was fully aware of
Vogler's side job as a drug dealer, but did
nothing & paid Vogler more than the going rate for
a coffee house manager. Why?? The answer to
this question may be the answer to her defense.
Fast moving outside the
courtroom, and just as fast and interesting in the
courtroom, this tale keeps up the pace from
beginning to end. Well worth the read.
Enjoy! |
Dick's Featured Book Review:
Reversal - Michael Connelly
Connelly has written another page turner with "The
Reversal". He brings together again attorney
Mickey Haller and LAPD detective Harry Bosch (of
Dirty Harry Fame). They are joining forces
against a sadistic killer. We last saw them
in Connelly's best seller "The Brass Verdict".
Mickey was a defense attorney in that novel and
actually he has always been for the defense.
But NOT in this one!
Twenty four years ago, Jason
Jessup was tried and convicted of killing a young
girl. Because of some new DNA information,
Jessup has been released pending a decision to
dismiss all charges, or retry the case. The
DA's office has no intention to dismiss, despite
the daunting DNA evidence, for political reasons,
as well as strategic purposes. The DA's
office feels it is imperative that this case be
seen as being completely fair and untainted.
Therefore they have decided to get an outsider, an
independent, to run the people's case.
Despite, or rather because of his well known, and
staunch advocacy for the defense, Mickey Haller
has been asked to try the case. For personal
reasons, and because of his firm belief in
Jessup's guilt, he accepts.
Haller and his investigator
Bosch are faced with a headline seeking defense
attorney who pulls out all the stops to make a
sow's ear look like a silk purse. But the
public views of Jessup and his case as presented
by his lawyer have little to do with what's going
on behind the scenes. Night time visits to
suspect locations by a killer like Jessup may mean
that he has a deadly agenda in mind for the near
This is a good story with
twists and turns that make what could have been a
pretty boring courtroom case into a all out poser,
with enough action to hold your attention to the
very end, and it has a real bonus ending to the
story. Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Book Review:
Private by James Patterson
is a powerful story of a powerful, global private
investigation firm. "Private" by James
Patterson is a fast moving, multi-layered tale of
secrecy, deceit, loyalty...and murder! Relying
heavily on his crack crew of investigators, Jack
Morgan, deals daily with some of the most
important and influential men and women in the
world. He also deals with personal problems
including wartime flashbacks, a despondent lover,
and a brother who hates him.
Jack has a lot on his plate in this story,
including the investigation into a multi-million
dollar National Football League gambling scandal.
At the same time, Jack and his crew are working
closely with the police to solve the murders of
thirteen teenaged girls. Then comes a
crushing personal blow...when he learns a former
lover and wife of his best friend have been
killed. Together these cases put the test to this
most powerful investigation firm and the most
advanced forensic tools available.
One by one these cases are investigated with
vigor, but not necessarily by the rules. One
surprise follows another as each case brings its
own problems to the fore. And, of course,
Jack's own personal problems overshadow much of
the action -- from early morning phone calls
stating "You're Dead!" -- to violent dreams that
may have a secret message for Jack.
A good story with a satisfying wrap-up.
Enjoy |
Dick's Featured Book Review:
Frankie by Maeve Binchy
feel good story by one of my favorite feel good
authors, “Minding Frankie” by Maeve Binchy is a
wonderful take on a young mans challenge to raise
an infant who may not be his. A loner, alcoholic
without much future, it is evident that Noel
Lynch will not succeed without plenty of help.
Like the Phoenix, rising from the ashes of his
former dissolute life, Noel strives to reform
himself into a caring, loving father.
The help he
needs comes from a neighborhood of friends and
family who become a “baby patrol” to care for
Frankie while Noel works and studies for a degree
that will hopefully help him to become the man he
feels he needs to be. Lisa, who loves Anton,
moves in with Noel to care for Frankie, and study
for her own degree. His cousin Emily, who
recently arrived from the U.S. soon becomes an
advisor & confidante to half the people in the
neighborhood and guides Noel through his trying
times. These and others in the “baby patrol” all
develop a love for Frankie and a growing trust in
But all good
stories like this one have to provide a counterpoint to all the feel good goings on. This is
provided by go-by-the-book social worker Moira.
The unconventional baby patrol doesn’t please
Moira, nor does she believe a confirmed alcoholic
can stand up to the obvious pressures on him. To
her the child would be better off in a foster
home. It’s up to Noel to prove she’s wrong. Good
story, good read. Enjoy!
Dick's Featured Book Review -
Buried Prey by
John Sandford
Prey" by John Sandford is a showcase for the
author's fantastic story telling abilities.
Sandford has a unique ability to build a solid
story plot step by step and to flesh out
characters in such a way that we can believe we
know them for what they are. But this story gives
us further insight into the main character, Lucas
Davenport. We've known Davenport quite well from
numerous other "Prey" books, but his inner
struggles in this tale further define the
Davenport we thought we knew.
The story opens
with a horrible discovery in a construction site
in downtown Minneapolis. The bodies of two small
girls are unearthed and Davenport, head
investigator for the Bureau of Criminal
Apprehension, knows with certainty, upon seeing
the bodies, who they are. With this introduction
we move to the back-story.
Twenty five years
earlier, Davenport was a young, ambitious cop
hoping to move out of patrol and work into the
more challenging and glamorous duties of a
detective. Two young girls were kidnapped and
never found, despite massive efforts to find
them. Davenport was immersed in the search and
was not convinced that the schizophrenic vagrant
who was accused of the crime was actually guilty.
He was following other leads, with another
suspect, when the vagrant was killed. His guilt
was officially accepted and the case was closed.
Now with the
discovery of the girl's bodies, Davenport breathes
new life into a case that he felt he should have
followed further twenty five years before. A
fascinating combination of careful planning,
inspiration and perspiration, as well as just
plain luck, leads Lucas closer to the killer.
But, the murder of a close friend of Lucas' turns
the investigation into what his family and friends
fear could be a career ending vendetta.
No surprise
ending here, just a satisfying finish to a super
story. Enjoy!